Message from @Kouang Tcheo Wan

Discord ID: 796951318836674600

2021-01-08 03:47:10 UTC  

by producing their own currency

2021-01-08 03:47:45 UTC  

the same private bankers that attacked germany back then are the ones that control the FED

2021-01-08 03:48:31 UTC  

and keep dragging americans into nonsense wars because when a war is in place, country needs more money to fund the war, and they loan money from the bankers

2021-01-08 03:49:45 UTC

2021-01-08 03:50:25 UTC

2021-01-08 03:50:30 UTC  

the jews of the frankfurt school,

2021-01-08 03:50:41 UTC  

the same institution that created cultural marxism

2021-01-08 03:51:15 UTC  

the result of cultural marxism:

2021-01-08 03:51:18 UTC

2021-01-08 03:51:37 UTC

2021-01-08 03:52:12 UTC  

the boycott you refer to was in responce to the night of broken glass, and before you go any further, let me tell you a story. my great aunt came to america from he small town for a good education, and every week she would get a letter from her family, one week the letter never came, and no other one ever followed it. you see, that side of my family is jewish, and her family and the entire polish town they lived in had been wiped out. she joined the U.S. reserve airforce. there are about ten names on the nimitz of my family, so I'll say it one, and I'll say it again, you say NAZI's are fucking justified I will remind you that my family has seen the horro of that inside and out, we have taken up arms before, and we will again.

2021-01-08 03:52:43 UTC

2021-01-08 03:53:33 UTC  

my ancestors took out panzerkampfwagen with fire wood, and you degeneratly choose to belive seven decade old sladers?

2021-01-08 03:53:37 UTC  

you disgust me

2021-01-08 03:53:55 UTC  

there is only one superior race, that which know no race is superior

2021-01-08 03:54:51 UTC  

what was the name of the town?

2021-01-08 03:55:23 UTC  

i also never justified the death of jews, i only justified his defiance against the jews

2021-01-08 03:55:33 UTC  

I don't know, I never asked, she died when I was 6

2021-01-08 03:56:18 UTC  

all deaths are bad and not all jews are bad, im sorry if this went to wrong way on the receiving end but not all jews are bad, it just happens the bad ones are the only ones that get into power

2021-01-08 03:58:41 UTC  

also I think christians are bad because most nazi's were christians and thus christains must be bad? all lives are bad and not all christians are bad, im sorry if this went to wrong way on the receiving end but not all christians are bad, it just happens the bad ones are the only ones that get into power. no of course not, do not connect bad people to their religions unless there are wielding thing religion to do harm. your mentality only brings you down the same dark holes europe has gone down a dozen times

2021-01-08 04:00:01 UTC  

i missed that part i meant to type "deaths" not lives

2021-01-08 04:00:28 UTC  

and how does gender and marxism connect wtf?

2021-01-08 04:00:59 UTC  

Remember Rule 1. Don't be anti-semetic. 🙂

2021-01-08 04:01:53 UTC  

consequences of cultural marxism

2021-01-08 04:02:02 UTC  

You know, i have to wonder. What would have happened to japan if those that betrayed the Samurai didnt, would Japan still be a fuedal empire or would it have eventually fallen for the influence of the imperialist insurgents

2021-01-08 04:02:45 UTC  

japan wouldve either been obliterated by russia or britain

2021-01-08 04:02:57 UTC  

depends on what mentality they use for foreign policy

2021-01-08 04:03:32 UTC  


2021-01-08 04:03:46 UTC  

japan might try to modernize late-stage like korea but same outcome will probably happen

2021-01-08 21:51:05 UTC  

I'm looking for a website to draw custom borders on the world
Anyone have any ideas?

2021-01-09 00:07:48 UTC  
2021-01-09 00:49:29 UTC  

Thanks, but that website doesn't allow you to change borders

2021-01-09 00:49:36 UTC  

thanks for the thought though

2021-01-09 03:11:59 UTC  

its a game where you can make custom nations

2021-01-09 03:12:04 UTC  

with a paint tool

2021-01-09 03:12:09 UTC  

search on youtube for tutorials

2021-01-09 03:12:17 UTC  

if you are having trouble with some tools

2021-01-09 15:22:14 UTC