Message from @Dr. Mathew
Discord ID: 768964191402065940
unless ur using the certified lgbt rifle
I'm heavily left hand and eye dominant, ambi controls are a blessing
@Beep beep mf Thanks for that input. We are now all a bit dumber for having heard it 😂
Agree @KumquatLord
Its just something most “righties” dont even think about
I did need to get an ambi mag release for my rifle when I got it but everything else is just fine.
Especially since the mag release on an AR can be operated with my trigger finger
no but honestly kh and kalash know best where to put stuff
Like the charging handle you have to reach across the AK to get to?
that uh
that jabbed into my back the other day
Just things you have to consider while on long hunts. Nothing worse than hearing the clack of a poorly timed mag drop while on a steep 😂
none of that
my friend lost a magazine the other day bcs of it
I know its about guns but I just wanted inpute
Ok shoot
Pun not intended
@HUNTER4639 what color should I get knife
Oo... Just for fun?
Have you narrowed it down at all?
@HUNTER4639 well I needed a curved balisong and a little nicer knife. I have it narrowed to ruby, Vanilla, Fade black handle, ultra violet, Dragonfire
yes I am aware these are rtainers I am not allowed to have an actual knife in cali
I'd say dragon fire or ultra violet
you can have a balisong in cali. the blade just cant be more than two inches according to google
@xd_gangster69 you might as well not own one then
@Alpha-57 it's form fitted to my hand so it actually feels quite comfortable. However I can only speak to dryfire drills as I have a few parts still in the mail before it is completed and running.
Ah, ok. What caliber?
I would have tested with my ar parts by now. But I've read that you need a heavier buffer and slightly different hammer to avoid damaging the system.
> I shoot long arms left and pistols right. And, I am a huge fan of Henry
@jerpeau lol I am the exact opposite. Right handed with a rifle (tho I can shoot ambi) and left with sidearms (tho I can again shoot ambi)
I mean, its a little sloppy, but yes