Message from @sixfivebyfiftyfive
Discord ID: 783036068861706261
Good point
At lease some more countries are giving it ppl guns like Brazil
well, isn't the military technically part of the gov.? it would be kinda dumb if they didnt have guns.
Government = federal agents
Military is different
Its not that terrible compared to the other stuff i've seen
is that airsoft bambikilla?
its a Vector, with what looks like an AR barrel and Stock
its a 22lr
right, I want to know if its reel-steel or airsoft. i have seen some pretty bad airsoft replicas, so that's why I asked.
but it is classified as a rifle
damn that sucks bambi :\
its so weird
it has to have a 16 inch barrel
ahh that makes sense
they just came out tho
mk gotcha.
just in a pistol config
or sbr I guess.
That is nice
ye, I would love a nice kriss v replica.
I'd likely go for a black or fde one though
tactical Hot Dog
Ok, here’s a story for you: So I was helping some neighbors who exercise the 2nd Amendment but sadly voted for communism, even though back in my neighbor’s day he fought against it over on another continent, all because they have been duped by the so called media and it breaks whatever I have left of a heart because they’re like an extra pair of grand parents to me. They wanted to help me exercise the Second Amendment by giving me ammo.
So biden (harris) voters gave me ammo... LOL
faith in the human race restored by 10 percent
Mind you they don’t whole heartedly support them. They just thought they were voting for the lesser evil.
That is true, the media doesn’t shot the good trump does or the bad Biden had done
I think vectors are pretty sick tbh
But only with a silencer and in .45
i’m so happy, a relative of mine recently ordered a semi-auto rifle, an AR 15 i believe (idk too much about guns but i do have a minor interest). it will be very exciting to become more educated on gun safety and the like, and to fire it at a range. i also have been wondering, is the 9mm micro raptor a good pistol or not? i have considered purchasing one
Never heard of it
And i consider myself an general expert
But i also dont usially consern myself with 9mm or sub-compacts
it is a VERY tiny 9mm, like the size of an adult man’s palm
btw nice status @CyberSpacePirate 😂