Message from @cozy b0y
Discord ID: 791365548499271680
*laughs in ~$1800 bolt gun*
Some bolt guns are great rifles
I know enough people with ars so imma just be the marksman or something 💀
Aren’t the military’s snipers Remington 700s?
ngl, that bipod he has is one of my favorites. Its heavy, but i find it very comfortable when shooting off hand.
the one in the vid^
i think the old ones were. My understanding is that they phased most of those out though?
the ping of an M1 garand <:thinking:726878987837636698>
Yes yes yes
And yes the snipers did use 700 for many years it was a upgrade one but still a Remington 700
They called it the m24 i tbink
Can you get a bipod that only needs 1 sling stud? Or do you have to drill another
Idk good question
But I do want to get a Remington 700 lol
Kinda crazy cuz I just lost all my in a boating accident
Then write a comment for those who don’t own a boat
In my dream home I have 2 uzis on the baseboard of my bed and 2 shotguns underneath
I recommend you get the mattress accesory for shotguns.
When/if I get as rich as I hope to, my house will be a gun lover’s wet dream
Me too, LS. ***Me too***.
I’ll adopt them all
I think I'll just try to get one of each.
I don't like repeats. 😆
Unless it's really special. Like a purple revolver like my boy Guido Mista.
Your missing a Gatling gun
Never said I was done with it 😅
If I had a lot of money that’s what I would get 😂
Hey is PMC 223 and 556 non-corrosive?
can anyone recommend a sight good for at least 50 yd for a AR. what is a reputable company?