Message from @SlimtheKid

Discord ID: 753389323575099453

2020-09-09 18:52:41 UTC  


2020-09-09 19:09:16 UTC  

Mushrooms can be planted on almost any surface that is not too brightly-lit (ie. not under direct sunlight, and at least 2 blocks away from a torch or other light source).
Mushrooms will slowly spread to nearby dirt blocks, as long as there are no more than 4 mushrooms of the same type in a 9x9 square. Therefore, a very spread-out mushroom farm in which one red and one brown mushroom are placed at widely-spaced intervals is somewhat practical.

2020-09-09 19:09:49 UTC  

Then use bone meals

2020-09-09 19:09:51 UTC  
2020-09-09 19:11:01 UTC  

Oh, no no, I mean the Mooshroom, the mushroom cow

2020-09-09 19:13:45 UTC  


2020-09-09 19:15:11 UTC  

They usually populate mushroom island biomes, but there's none

2020-09-09 19:19:20 UTC  


2020-09-09 20:22:58 UTC  

They do respawn.

2020-09-09 20:36:20 UTC  

That's the thing, there's non there, and haven't been

2020-09-09 22:01:30 UTC  

@SlimtheKid you got poison splash pot

2020-09-09 22:01:38 UTC  

I need it for my “furnace room”

2020-09-09 22:01:51 UTC  


2020-09-09 22:03:02 UTC  


2020-09-09 22:04:11 UTC  

You got nether wart or vlaze rod

2020-09-09 22:09:22 UTC  

@AWOIII are you gonna go in the server anytime soon

2020-09-09 22:15:14 UTC  

yeah, I just haven't been able to be on often due to online school and shit

2020-09-09 22:21:05 UTC  


2020-09-09 22:25:46 UTC  

@AWOIII do you Happen to have a name tag that we could use for a name tag that we could use for a iron farm?

2020-09-09 22:59:19 UTC  

So if I wanna join the server I gotta get whitelisted?

2020-09-09 23:00:12 UTC  


2020-09-09 23:02:25 UTC  

@Kingsum Do what you need to whitelist me

2020-09-09 23:02:59 UTC  

@Gamer0221 mate whats your ign

2020-09-09 23:03:08 UTC  

Dont just say bro whitelist me without telling me your name smh

2020-09-09 23:03:08 UTC  

Mario219 no questions

2020-09-09 23:03:15 UTC  


2020-09-09 23:05:16 UTC  

Ping me when I’m whitelisted

2020-09-09 23:08:30 UTC  
2020-09-09 23:08:51 UTC  

How do you claim land btw

2020-09-09 23:08:59 UTC  


2020-09-09 23:09:04 UTC  

Well the basics at least

2020-09-09 23:09:13 UTC  

Of how everything works

2020-09-09 23:23:51 UTC  

@SlimtheKid yo you got any more clay

2020-09-09 23:25:49 UTC  

@Kingsum unfortunately I do not and most likely not be online today

2020-09-09 23:26:38 UTC  

maybe tmr?

2020-09-09 23:26:55 UTC  


2020-09-10 00:11:02 UTC  

I need some help
what edition of Red Dead Redemption 2 should I get, I looked at the different editions, but I cna't find out if its JUST cosmetics, and online play stuff, or if it has other things to
also, with that, is Red Dead online just in the RDR2 game or is it separate

2020-09-10 00:13:19 UTC  

No Red dead is part of the game

2020-09-10 00:13:24 UTC  


2020-09-10 00:13:42 UTC  

It’s kind of like Grandtheft auto online

2020-09-10 00:14:04 UTC  

In red dead online you can play with other people