Message from @Drakko The Defiler

Discord ID: 727718515192103003

2020-06-30 18:25:57 UTC  

I hope we get to have one for dinner

2020-06-30 18:27:11 UTC  


2020-06-30 18:27:14 UTC  

What are those

2020-06-30 18:32:26 UTC  


2020-06-30 20:53:42 UTC

2020-06-30 20:58:11 UTC  

I can't tell what I'm looking at 🤣

2020-06-30 20:58:28 UTC  

Looks to be beef in shell noodles

2020-06-30 20:59:16 UTC  


2020-06-30 20:59:45 UTC  

I was gonna say it almost looks like pierogis that exploded 😅

2020-06-30 21:01:32 UTC  


2020-06-30 21:04:30 UTC  

Its Beef,lamb, deer,moose, and rabbit in shells @KumquatLord

2020-06-30 22:26:31 UTC  

guys can someone help me with a bread maker? how long should i let it cool down, after 10 min its hard as a rock but at 5 min its too soft and falls apart

2020-06-30 22:43:24 UTC  

What kind of bread maker is it?

2020-07-01 02:17:46 UTC  

> Its Beef,lamb, deer,mouse, and rabbit in shells @KumquatLord
@Diabeł Boruta Mouse? Wtf

2020-07-01 02:18:45 UTC

2020-07-01 02:26:45 UTC  

@Drakko The Defiler I meant moose

2020-07-01 02:36:08 UTC  

@Diabeł Boruta Ah ok. How is Moose? I've had deer and elk but never moose

2020-07-01 02:38:02 UTC  

Pretty good, tasty when used in stew@Drakko The Defiler

2020-07-01 02:43:44 UTC  

Oh that sounds good. I make chili with deer I bet moose would be good too

2020-07-01 02:51:01 UTC  

Especially chilled moose nose filled with a type of meatjelly

2020-07-01 02:53:34 UTC  

That's where ya lost me. Lol not because of the nose it's the meat jelly. I can't stand jello or pudding

2020-07-01 02:55:55 UTC

2020-07-01 02:58:11 UTC  

Yeah that's definitely not something I'd be into. It's the consistency that would get me.

2020-07-01 02:58:27 UTC  

Yeah it depends on your pallet if you like this dessert

2020-07-01 02:59:40 UTC  

Anything gelatinous trips my gag reflex. It can be the most delicious flavor but I'd still puke instantly.

2020-07-01 02:59:58 UTC  

Been that way my whole life

2020-07-01 03:00:10 UTC  

I've tried different gelatinous things

2020-07-01 03:01:10 UTC  

We eat anything we find up here, except bats they are not for eating

2020-07-01 03:01:20 UTC  


2020-07-01 03:01:37 UTC  

Shit someone needs to tell China

2020-07-01 03:02:06 UTC  

You make portable stew

2020-07-01 03:03:19 UTC  

Yeah we call it pocket soup

2020-07-01 03:03:36 UTC  

I'm pretty sure we are thinking of the same thing

2020-07-01 03:04:26 UTC  

This plus salted meat and water in a cast iron pot

2020-07-01 03:05:35 UTC  

Yup that's it lol you know we aren't so different you and I. You from Russia me from rural America

2020-07-01 03:05:48 UTC  

I'm from Ukraine

2020-07-01 03:06:11 UTC  

Oh my bad sorry I called you Russian lol

2020-07-01 03:06:32 UTC  

No problem

2020-07-01 03:08:16 UTC  

Ever had stock fish, it makes a good stew during winter

2020-07-01 03:12:04 UTC  

I have we make it using Bass or Catfish.

2020-07-01 11:12:13 UTC  

Anybody like mcdonald's?