Message from @Zattmann - 저남자
Discord ID: 771435335804256257
it is actually really fun, I know a super easy french chocolate pie recipe that always come out perfect, you want it?
Best i can do is Ricecake
Hi ppl
I made a classic German street food. It's called Currywurst - Curry sausage. Doesn't look that appetizing but it's good. It's sausage wit fries and a spicy slightly sour tomato sauce and usually curry powder sprinkled on top but I took the Pic before sprinkling
Usually the sauce is more liquid but I decided to leave it chonky for once
French fries and sausage? I'm in
Hehe my fiancé who's American has become quite a fan of this thimg
that sauce looks like salsa. Am I wrong in assuming so?
that looks pretty good tbh
im hungry now
It's similar to salsa yeah but with more asian spices I guess :)
It's basically tomatoes, onions, tomato paste, chili oil, ginger, star anis, mustard, curry powder and a fruity component like orange juice or apple sauce. I used orange lemonade
oh okay, it sounds great! never heard of orange lemonade though xD
It's an Europeaor German thing 😅 back then during the war there was no access to coke, so they created their own soft drink xD Fanta? Maybe that name rings a bell
But orange juice, pineapple juice works as well
Crush is the American equivalent
Oh it's actually Italian :)
Fanta not German
It is just as good German or Italian. 😆
Cheese encrusted chicken with spicy-mustard cheese sauce
Nice 👍
a food board (i dont know the official name) my sister made for our grandma's birthday
lol that looks like something from pintrest 😂
Oh wow
I need those plating and photography skills
Does anyone do actual food photography on here? Besides with a smartphone....
Filet Wellington?
Oh my, that looks absolutely amazing!
> It's an Europeaor German thing 😅 back then during the war there was no access to coke, so they created their own soft drink xD Fanta? Maybe that name rings a bell
@Toilet Hugger Yes, we sell Fanta in the States. It is not too popular, but at CFA, we like to mix it with coke. We also like to mix Hi-C (fruit punch) with sprite.
ofc, we don't sell that combo. It's an employee thing.