Message from @thisguy
Discord ID: 724789032919236739
I take it you dont like fiat and dodge lol
They’re the same company now basically.
The new Jeeps are also rebadged Fiats.
Jeeps are awesome as well
Except the new ones.
I'm not a jeep person but I understand jeep people
Ford is the best
The 1984-2000 Cherokee is still one of the best Jeeps ever made.
Not dodge
Ooo look at this guy
And Chevy and gmc are worst
GMC gay mans car, got mine cheap, got mechanic coming.
Ooo I like that loool
I have a lot
I know that one looool
This is where they moved after the bailout.
No wonder they are on Trump’s bad list.
I dont know one for dodge I know Ford is found on road dead
First on race day
Lies all lies
U wanna see my beautiful ford
GM/Chevy was also commissioned to make ventilators but took the money and didn’t do anything delaying production.
Yes I want to see
U can’t lie she clean
That's pretty snazzy not gonna lie
I like it
It’s a 6.0 power stroke turbo diesel
She has few things done to her