Message from @quadnod pog
Discord ID: 790041498476871691
This is the Vic I’ve done
Ah yes a man of culture
What would yall pick as the ultimate apocolypse vehichle?
@CyberSpacePirate A Toyota Camry with Ford Raptor suspension with a lift kit and a cow catcher on the front. The Camry is one of the most popular cars in American and The F-150 is the most popular truck in America
Huge respect here
For this guy
My best friend used to have an old Jeep Cherokee. He never decked it out like this but he had an American flag on the back for Fourth of July.
My lovely piece of garbage broke down. I have the worst luck with vehicles
I respect my truck, she respects me, we keep a healthy relationship
She does get mad at me sometimes tho
I always get shocked whenever I've been running her hard😂
Ha, electric hipster car
Nicholas' Tesla.... or Nikola Tesla?
my apocalypse car would be a prius
it may not kill the zombies but gas isnt easy to find
better yet, since you're likely gonna have to live on a farm of some sort, a small diesel car with wider injectors to handle the thicker fuel would be best, since you can create biodiesel from oils from plants like corn and soy and stuff
dunno about newer cars but older diesel cars will run on used vegetable oil fine with little to no modification
My apocalypse car is a Unimog.
Lots of storage space and off-road capabilities
Woud it be the BRCC Vulcan Prius?
all u need is horse
Fun fact, the average horse had 14.9 horsepower.
Dont you think a horse would have 1 horses power
or i would just make a trip to some rich guys house and take a supercar and drive the shit out of it then kms
cuz whats the point of surviving in an apocalypse
me having fun in my subaru