Message from @Kirb
Discord ID: 781224894415110186
(Download instructions for alternate build).
Blender is a modeling program and can also be used for art, yes.
my brother and i used to be really technical about legos, 1x1 round brick, plates and tiles, and so on... but our friends kept calling them "that thing" and my personal favorite, "Pop cans". it eventually rubbed off on us
still insist on using pure lego though
i love trump !!!!! love to make art and just thought id make some silly joe bidome in blender 3d really fast and want to share
maybe ill put more effort into it but it looks funny haha joe bidome
nice my dude
anyone else besides me draw anime and manga?
you should draw an animae character for joe biden
:0 majoras mask
Blacked out my signature
awesome my dude
@BobiusPrime he will get base coated and eventually painted when Kaladins is ready too. I tried my best. Oh I also would like to see if anyone recognizes the gun in his hand
I've never done an autobot before 😅
@Nick P. Wilde nice drawing of jesus bro
Yeah I still have to top coat and paint him
As well as bobius prime
What are these for?
Also damn Jessie those are awesome.
I’m trying to see if anyone wants to buy anything, haha
i found a few more pictures in another sketch book of mine.
i've posted the concept of the spider-man suit before