Message from @bigalexgaming
Discord ID: 784528498974654484
If I lived anywhere that actually had snow I’d hire you
Do you need a path only two inches wide cleared?
This is toy train stuff.
It’s made for prop snow like foam bits scattered on the train set for fun.
I will let that thing choochoo cross my whole yard if I have to XD
The other thing is supposed to be one of those funny little gasoline powered mining trains.
The snow plow is powered by electric rails. So if real snow got on it the contacts will get dirty and it will not get power.
Aw man
Still super cool
But the mining train is battery powered so that might move...
For real snow windup might work because no electricity.
Or even cooler, live steam.
Fill the little train up with water and wood chips/finely crushed coal and off it goes.
so you should be. It looks pretty cool indeed.
Me fav anime character i drew yesterday on paper and now did it digitally
I found my old doodle book from years ago, here is a leopard-hippo that I made:
such young, much art, very hippo
All the art looks amazing 😄
hey, does anyone here do requests? if so, @ me please
Ooh 😍
@bigalexgaming I can do a request for you. Send me a private message
Baby Yoda!!!!🥰
Wow that is amazing
It looks like the one from the Mandalorian so much
Hahaha @Chair thanks!!!! did it for a friend
Well that is just pure skill
Hahah thank you😊
I can't even draw good :/
Oh hush! I'm sure you can!!!