Message from @KV

Discord ID: 784164714154164224

2020-12-03 16:17:43 UTC  

Maybe something like the MQ9 but it would replace fighters

2020-12-03 16:18:07 UTC  

There is a lack of situation awareness when you are basically flying a sim

2020-12-03 16:18:26 UTC  

Would not****

2020-12-03 16:20:35 UTC  

Planes will become capable of rocket feats.

2020-12-03 16:23:51 UTC  

I mean they will go supersonic but I don't think any planes will fly far into space

2020-12-03 16:26:01 UTC  

I want to see spaceships like the Eagle in Elite: Dangerous Horizons.

2020-12-03 16:47:32 UTC  

Aircraft will not become obsolete by rockets.

2020-12-03 17:28:12 UTC  

What if we go all star wars and they become the same thing

2020-12-03 17:41:28 UTC  


2020-12-03 17:57:09 UTC  

It has to be controlled by someone and not a sentient AI, we dont cross the line of playing god by creating sentient unless we're prepared to accept that AI will eventually be equal to man

2020-12-03 17:57:54 UTC  

I mean AI UAVs

2020-12-03 17:58:17 UTC  

Look at what DARPA is doing and current AI autonomous systems

2020-12-03 17:58:53 UTC  

well yeah, but i prefer not to reenact the plot of the Matrix

2020-12-03 17:58:53 UTC  

I think there's extreme potential

2020-12-03 17:58:59 UTC  

Better than any human

2020-12-03 17:59:36 UTC  

Like Andrils AI Sentry and UAV system for defending stationary areas. It has quicker reaction than any human

2020-12-03 18:02:38 UTC  

Maybe maybe not, but as rockets get cheaper and more reliable, airplanes will economically not make much sense to use. Sure airplanes will be still needed for many things and I don't mean they'll be compeltley phased out, I'm saying it regarding transportation which forms a majority of aviation. As rockets get cheaper, eventually as cheap as aircrafts, it makes no sense to use a slower system for logistical transport. But for sustained flights at low speeds, well that'll still be the plane's job

2020-12-03 20:49:43 UTC  

As aerodynamic as a truck. At least it did psychological warfare right.

2020-12-03 20:56:25 UTC  


2020-12-03 20:56:34 UTC  


2020-12-03 21:10:36 UTC  

@TheChicken789 I’d be down for that!

2020-12-03 22:06:42 UTC  

@Yukon The reason why I don’t see tickets overtaking aircraft anytime soon is for the following reasons.
1: Cost. Aircraft are much more reusable and consume much less fuel being more cost efficient and better for the environment (not that I care, but that is what an environmentalist would say). On top of that large portions of rockets are not reusable requiring replacement between every mission. Now obviously as rockets become more common the cost will go down, but it still won’t compare to the efficiency of aviation.
2: Safety. Aviation is the world’s safest form of transportation. The aviation safety record is unparalleled and unmatched by any other form of transportation. Be young that, there would have to be a perception shift to rockets which most people consider unsafe. Of course rockets are actually fairly safe, but not anywhere close to that of an aircraft being flown by pilots.
3: Network. Aviation already do has a very well established network of tens of thousands of airports, aircraft, routes, and many other assets needed to have an effective transportation network. Rockets do not, and it will take decades to get anywhere close to what is available in aviation.
4: Flexibility. Aviation is much more flexible overall that rocketry is. Now I am no rocket scientist, but an in aviation and know that aviation outside of just walking or taking a car is the most flexible form of transportation. Rockets have limitations that something like a tiny Cessna simply does not have. Plus there are aircraft that can easily be converted in just a few hours from carrying cargo to passengers. This is something because of geometry and weight limitations that rockets simply can not do.
5: Slower is better. It has been determined with experiments in supersonic flight, that high speed is not a positive. Most aircraft cruse around 500-700mph as this speed doesn’t cause destructive supersonic shock waves.

Feel free to debate anything that I stated above.

2020-12-03 23:59:17 UTC  


May I point out that during the Heron systems AI in the test that you are (what I think you are) referring to was in conditions in which were unrealistic. Keep in mind that because in the test the only weapon allowed was the M61. Once the shot was fired with even a probability of being a successful shot, it was assumed to be successful. This leads to a very unrealistic scenario in which the AI was taking shots with much lower probability and this allowed for its quicker kill time. Banger was being more patient waiting for a higher probability shot. So I take the test with a grain of salt, the ai was facing very unrealistic probability with shot success. Additionally, the AI knew the data of bangers F-16 in the scenario, allowing for it to always know exactly what it was up against. In the real world such data is not what the AI would get.

The way I look at it is that in reality, banger may well have won the engagements. I would wait until a real world test. This test demonstrates that in a perfect environment with no adversity in knowledge about the opponent and a overblown shot probability, the AI is superior. But that is not the real world, and until I see the same results in the real world and dealing with probability and lack of knowledge of the opponent, I don’t see AI replacing pilots anytime soon. Loyal wingmen AI drones for strikes and Missile trucks, I can see them being implemented in the near future.

2020-12-04 00:00:40 UTC  

What I see from the test is that interoperability makes sense, replacement? Far from it for the moment, though that may change.

2020-12-04 00:03:14 UTC  

@KV sure and good points, and also points I must clarify I did take into account. I did fail to state that the time frame of my views on where rocketry technology will reach is rather optimistic and looking decades, maybe a century in advance. Sure I stated myself that rockets will never take over the flexibility of a airplane for many applications and spoke with transportation as the main focus

2020-12-04 00:04:13 UTC  

Airplanes in the future won't just be airplanes. I fully expect aircraft to be able to fly both in atmosphere and in space with no problems.

2020-12-04 00:05:58 UTC  

@G680 DARPA's AI challenge was in a really controlled environment. I think it'll be another decade before AI takes over. However a computer isn't limited to G force and as proved by Alpha Go, AI is beyond what we call "creativity" which is the main point used to state AI can't beat human performance

2020-12-04 00:06:08 UTC  


Supersonic flight has fantastic potential for trans Atlantic, and trans pacific (stop in HNL) routes

2020-12-04 00:06:13 UTC  

That's a rocket then

2020-12-04 00:06:33 UTC  

Rocket powered aircraft

2020-12-04 00:06:37 UTC  


2020-12-04 00:07:12 UTC  

You talking X 15 here

2020-12-04 00:07:22 UTC  

Come on, it techncially was a rocket ;)

2020-12-04 00:07:54 UTC  


2020-12-04 00:08:00 UTC  


2020-12-04 00:08:12 UTC  

Anyway AI has serious potential and will take over warfare

2020-12-04 00:09:57 UTC  

Yes, AI has a great capability in the high G environment. Though keep in mind, maneuverability is not entirely tied to Gs. To truely take advantage of the capability, realistically, it would need to fly at 400 knots or higher to truely take advantage of the maneuverability, but keep in mind that to maintain such flight is highly fuel intensive and range is severely hampered. That issue is the biggest problem with the idea of very high G fights.

2020-12-04 00:10:40 UTC  

Sure and a complex sensor array and algorithm can manage that better than any human

2020-12-04 00:11:07 UTC  

A skilled Ace pilot would take all that into account as he's dog fighting

2020-12-04 00:11:26 UTC  

AI would analyze billions of data points per second

2020-12-04 00:11:43 UTC  

And simulate in advance a move better and faster than any human can