Message from @Porcupioneer

Discord ID: 763234182713311272

2020-10-06 23:22:36 UTC  

True that

2020-10-06 23:23:50 UTC  

My son... who is half black hispanic/ half white once asked me what he should be considered racially. I just said you are you. No need for tags.

2020-10-06 23:24:08 UTC  


2020-10-06 23:24:35 UTC  

it doesnt matter honestly

2020-10-06 23:24:57 UTC  

we're all the same anyway

2020-10-06 23:26:02 UTC  

We're all in the same boat

2020-10-07 00:29:25 UTC  

This liberal teacher is soooo stupid.

2020-10-07 00:34:15 UTC

2020-10-07 00:35:28 UTC  

More Twitter Demonrat boohoos

2020-10-07 00:35:51 UTC  

And this one is having a mental breakdown huh

2020-10-07 02:46:59 UTC  

I have a story about my AP United States History teacher’s meltdown earlier today. I wish I had footage, but I don’t. I plan on recording in the future just in case. First you need a little background, I knew she was a lefty. She had the leftist propaganda pasted all over her room last year when we were in person (I had been in her room for the PSAT), and she tried to justify the tearing down of statues on the first day of school. A few days ago, she gave us this survey. The meltdown she had after though was based off of the last question, so you can skip ahead if you want.

2020-10-07 02:48:15 UTC

2020-10-07 02:48:24 UTC  

My response was as follows...

2020-10-07 02:49:24 UTC

2020-10-07 02:50:19 UTC  

We had class today, but right as we were about to leave she said, “Wait! Everyone stay in for a few more minutes! I want to talk about your survey responses!”

2020-10-07 02:52:03 UTC  

I must guess, she was pissed because people didnt care about there representatives ethnicity

2020-10-07 02:54:38 UTC  

I probably should have just left then, but I had no idea what she was going to say so I decided to stay. She then began to tell us that she wanted to talk about our point of view on “demographics”. She said that a few of us wrote about being “colorblind” and that it was actually racist. She said that their color and sex was very important and that we needed to be “color conscious”. She then said, “Every black person, goes to bed as a black person, every day they wake up as a black person, and it’s disrespectful and inconsiderate to ignore that”.

2020-10-07 02:54:45 UTC  

Gee it's almost as if some people don't gaf about skin color!

2020-10-07 02:55:28 UTC  

Ironically she is the racist

2020-10-07 02:58:51 UTC  

Diversity is our strength! Well, to them that means the rainbow bs and what not. But diversity of thought? Oh no no no! HOW DARE YOU NOT THINK LIKE US!

2020-10-07 03:00:09 UTC  

She kept repeating that it was racist to be colorblind for another five minutes after class had ended. Finally, she said we could go. I had a hunch, and sure enough my hunch was right.
A bit more background, I have a conservative friend in that class. Let’s just call him D. D is very hotheaded and impulsive. And he stayed behind.
I panicked and I heard the teacher say, “ hi D! How was your road trip? Do you have any questions?” I then DMd him repeatedly to stand down and wait. We both need to pass this class. We then made a pact that on the last day of school we would stand up to her. I managed to stop him whole he was still talking about the road trip.

2020-10-07 03:01:08 UTC  

I probably wouldnt have restrained

2020-10-07 03:01:18 UTC  

Ive already stood up to teachers before

2020-10-07 03:01:28 UTC  

We now have a slow growing group of conservative minded students who will stand with us when we fire back.
She won’t know what hit her.

2020-10-07 03:01:46 UTC  


2020-10-07 03:01:50 UTC  

For sure record from now on

2020-10-07 03:02:09 UTC  

Pull up a discord call to get all of us on her ass as well

2020-10-07 03:04:03 UTC  

ey guys

2020-10-07 03:05:06 UTC  


2020-10-07 03:05:35 UTC  


2020-10-07 03:06:33 UTC  


2020-10-07 03:16:02 UTC  

> Pull up a discord call to get all of us on her ass as well
@TheChicken789 That would be pretty epic ngl

2020-10-07 03:16:24 UTC  

She wouldn't be able to hear y'alls tho

2020-10-07 03:16:41 UTC  


2020-10-07 03:49:32 UTC  

> We now have a slow growing group of conservative minded students who will stand with us when we fire back.
> She won’t know what hit her.
@Porcupioneer record that shit

2020-10-07 10:08:53 UTC  

I'm going to vote in person today.

2020-10-07 10:08:59 UTC  

Gonna be fun

2020-10-07 13:21:13 UTC  

It isn’t about colour we all go too bed wake up still same person , it’s who you are and how portray thought , you honesty care about world it will show, if you honestly hate it, it will show as well. Too all protesters it shows very well.

2020-10-07 14:25:05 UTC  

I agree, honestly constantly bringing up the color of someone's skin is a useless argument. It's like trying to have an academic conversation and someone keeps yelling "but this shirt! this shirt is red! they are wearing a red shirt! why don't you talk about how red their shirt is!" like somehow the color is supposed to influence any argument ever. There is no way to end racism if they keep talking about it and expecting or insisting that it change the course of a conversation or action.

2020-10-07 14:30:21 UTC  

Moreover, people seem to bring up being a minority now like somehow they should be treated different? Coddled? I don't get it. Race is interesting in only 1 way, that it creates genetic diversity; people don't look exactly the same, sometimes they are more or less prone to diseases based on genetics. That's basically it, we have passed the novelty age of discovering this fact, it's been done.

2020-10-07 14:56:18 UTC  

my class did a thing about "colorblind racism" and the usage of the "n-word", like if only black people should use it and that kind of thing, and at the end of the lesson I asked about how if you have a word that only some people can use, doesn't that just cause more division instead of unity (supposedly what they're trying to get) and my teacher couldn't really answer my question, opened it up to the class and said something about power dynamics