Message from @Thiagofm

Discord ID: 769989734315196438

2020-10-25 13:47:36 UTC  

i guess they haven't figured out yet that most people don't care about their opinion

2020-10-25 14:31:37 UTC  

Way to undermine third parties who already have a hard time

2020-10-25 15:49:34 UTC

2020-10-25 15:51:42 UTC  

🍹 I'll have my salty tears margarita with extra salt, thanks

2020-10-25 15:51:59 UTC  

of course dis bitch looks like she crawled out of Tim Burton's Rejected Character Box

2020-10-25 16:33:19 UTC  
2020-10-25 16:38:50 UTC  

@KumquatLord but how is someone a monster just because they support a President because they believe it's the right thing to do? As much as I like to shit on the left and on socialism, I still appreciate some of their ideas and even fully agree with some of them.

2020-10-25 16:39:22 UTC  

Trump derangement syndrome

2020-10-25 16:39:51 UTC  

Follow Lasse Bruholt on YouTube guys

2020-10-25 16:40:00 UTC  

Their irrational hatred for him is astounding

2020-10-25 16:41:13 UTC  

They expose their own insanity much to our amusement.

2020-10-25 16:44:11 UTC  

I told everyone I knew 4 years ago to just wait. He wouldn't have to do anything but his job and they'd hang themselves. They do not live in reality.

2020-10-25 16:48:43 UTC  

Cannot wait to have "hoes mad <:AmericanFlag:720120797837918288> " as my discord status for the next four years

2020-10-25 17:21:27 UTC  

@JoeMama they wish harm upon people

2020-10-25 18:03:57 UTC  

> @JoeMama they wish harm upon people
@solarmeatloaf indeed

2020-10-25 18:05:50 UTC  

> @JoeMama they wish harm upon people
@solarmeatloaf but let's be fr these bitches can't do they call Trump supporters evil and aggressive because they hurt their feelings 🤣

2020-10-25 18:07:02 UTC  

I'm not a religious person but i do believe that god created adam and eve not adam and steve

2020-10-25 18:07:27 UTC  

But still.....we can't deny gay or trans ppl

2020-10-25 18:08:01 UTC  

I don't support gay marriage but I'm not against it

2020-10-25 18:22:44 UTC  

Hi! Does someone have that leftist meltdown compilation video?

2020-10-25 18:24:18 UTC

2020-10-25 18:24:33 UTC  

This one 👆 @everyone

2020-10-25 18:34:35 UTC  

The things that liberals believe without understanding the ramifications. Such as Wanting to double the minimum wage; business management 101, you have a budget for wages which will not change much so almost half the staff will be laid off & those that are left will now have to do the work of two. Then the leftist will scream & cry when laid off or their workload doubles! Biden wants to stop all new oil drilling in the US like he & Obama did in 2009 causing gas prices to double which in turn caused the prices of every single thing we use to go up in price because it costs more to ship, store, truck & deliver. And, even if gas prices go back down, the prices of items we all use goes up. Not to mention thousands of thugs that are bi-products of the oil industry. Everything from the plastic in your phone to asphalt on the streets, the tires on your car to the carton your eggs come in, the rubber that insulates the wires on their electric cars & more, lots more! If they kill the oil industry in the US, we will be dependent on the Middle East for oil & gas.

2020-10-25 18:36:42 UTC  


2020-10-25 18:36:50 UTC  

That's the plan, anyways.

2020-10-25 18:38:19 UTC  

I don't live in US. I hope Trump is reelected or the rest of the world will suffer

2020-10-25 18:39:12 UTC  

If the dems passes their plan, the whole world economy will shrink

2020-10-25 18:39:32 UTC  

Except China's economy

2020-10-25 18:39:42 UTC  

I'm not the biggest Trump fan ever but I tolerate him and I hope he wins. My nr. 1 reason is

2020-10-25 18:39:51 UTC  


2020-10-25 18:40:52 UTC  

I think US should reduce its deficit, but it won't happen

2020-10-25 18:41:25 UTC  

I'm not really a Trump fan, but Trump has been a good president. Biden, with his dementia, would be the perfect puppet for China, Ukraine, Russia etc.

2020-10-25 18:41:51 UTC

2020-10-25 18:42:16 UTC  

So one day US will become like japan, without any economy measures to grow

2020-10-25 18:43:10 UTC  

Why can't we name Antifa and BLM "alt-left"?

2020-10-25 18:44:34 UTC  

I don't get it, there is an alt-right, but where is the alt-left?! Where is the equality?!

2020-10-25 18:44:53 UTC  

> I'm not really a Trump fan, but Trump has been a good president. Biden, with his dementia, would be the perfect puppet for China, Ukraine, Russia etc.
@LuckyPuffy besides the increase in deficit and state grow on every aspect of US in a Joe Biden government. However you guys have strong institutions and probably could manage to recover from it in the midterms (if the worst happens)

2020-10-25 18:47:07 UTC

2020-10-25 18:47:30 UTC  

> Why can't we name Antifa and BLM "alt-left"?
@LuckyPuffy because anyone that desagrees they considers as an extremist. They think they are the best and most virtue people. Anyone that desagrees must be a bad person. That's why.

2020-10-25 18:47:36 UTC  

Trump is a rich arrogant loudmouth but he is a tough business minded individual & doesn’t take crap. I willl also say, I do not have to like him to like what he is doing & has done. I don’t have to like him personally to support him & I don’t always have to agree with him to vote for him. I do believe 💯 that he loves America & wants the best for all of us. He has my 💯 support as long as he keeps doing what he has done thus far!

2020-10-25 18:48:12 UTC  

And that's why we must call them extremist