Message from @Poseidenforce

Discord ID: 774390374189105172

2020-11-06 19:59:31 UTC  

They forget the ones who started rioting 2016 and forward were anti trump leftist lmao

2020-11-06 20:04:53 UTC  


2020-11-06 20:05:06 UTC  

only person that will screw us over is biden and supreme leader harris

2020-11-06 20:06:25 UTC  

uh, ok, I just care niether biden nor harris broke multiple constitional clauses

2020-11-06 20:08:01 UTC  

which clauses would those be?

2020-11-06 20:12:32 UTC  
2020-11-06 20:24:24 UTC  

> uh, ok, I just care niether biden nor harris broke multiple constitional clauses
@chaz They want to ban "assault weapons" despite the fact that the words "Shall not be infringed" Should've been pretty fuckin clear

2020-11-06 20:34:27 UTC  


2020-11-06 20:34:38 UTC  

2A exists for a reason

2020-11-06 20:35:09 UTC  

@GOF6666 victim supreme

2020-11-06 20:35:26 UTC  

shall not be infringed my dudes

2020-11-06 20:36:11 UTC  

> They want to ban "assault weapons" despite the fact that the words "Shall not be infringed" Should've been pretty fuckin clear
<:dogekek:726878872607653918> <:dogekek:726878872607653918> <:dogekek:726878872607653918> <:dogekek:726878872607653918> <:dogekek:726878872607653918><:dogekek:726878872607653918> <:dogekek:726878872607653918> <:dogekek:726878872607653918> <:dogekek:726878872607653918> <:dogekek:726878872607653918>

2020-11-06 21:02:41 UTC  

I keep hearing trump is racist sexist homophobic etc but I never hear about how he's all that

2020-11-06 21:06:57 UTC  

He's racist because he oversaw the greatest employment rate among every minority group, therefore it's basically slavery lol.

2020-11-06 21:31:22 UTC  

racist because I heard it on twitter therefore its true

2020-11-06 21:32:37 UTC  

racist because he hired people of color to his cabinet

2020-11-06 21:48:16 UTC  

Racist because he give black colleges 10 year funding

2020-11-06 21:48:17 UTC  

racist because he is rupblican

2020-11-06 21:48:44 UTC  

but was previously dem for 20+ years

2020-11-06 21:50:52 UTC  

sexist and homophobic because he tried (and i think succeeded) to outlaw discrimination against gay and trans peoples in other nations via the UN

2020-11-06 21:55:59 UTC  

racist bc msm told me he was

2020-11-06 22:42:45 UTC

2020-11-06 23:40:56 UTC  

I'll take things that weren't said for 500, Alex

2020-11-06 23:41:12 UTC  


2020-11-06 23:41:30 UTC  

I believe in legal immigration

2020-11-06 23:41:50 UTC  

Key word in case they miss it: legal

2020-11-06 23:47:08 UTC  

Big reason I'm against illegal immigration is because it is unfair to people trying to get here legally

2020-11-07 00:17:55 UTC  

> Just this:
@henry t. I stopped reading after "old men deciding our body choices" or something like that

2020-11-07 00:19:48 UTC  

> He's racist because he oversaw the greatest employment rate among every minority group, therefore it's basically slavery lol.
@Kyrix "The minorities are allowed to work and they're ACTUALLY WORKING!!!!! REEEEEEEE SyStEmIc SlAvErY!!!!!!"

2020-11-07 00:21:15 UTC  

2020 meltdowns will be better than 2016's

2020-11-07 00:21:23 UTC  

IF Trump wins by a hair

2020-11-07 00:23:34 UTC  

Oh no, there are going to be meltdowns and riots either way.

2020-11-07 00:29:32 UTC  

The far left has already decided they would riot regardless of who wins.

2020-11-07 00:29:55 UTC  

i know that

2020-11-07 00:30:43 UTC  


2020-11-07 00:30:53 UTC  

just get to wrok lmao

2020-11-07 00:31:17 UTC  


2020-11-07 00:36:34 UTC  

> @henry t. I stopped reading after "old men deciding our body choices" or something like that
Please respond to them with this:

1. More women vote than "old men" across the entire board in the U.S. If you want to complain about "old men" making decisions about your bodies then why don't you vote for some women into office? The obvious implication to complaining about "old men" making decisions about your bodies would be that they are either old or they are men.

2. The obvious problem to this argument is that it's extremely stupid and illogical upon the smallest amount of scrutiny. The argument is "you can't decide what to do with my body because you are not a woman". To simplify, you, as a man, are not able to make laws that affect women.
That argument is inherently sexist. And that is also not how a democratic republic works. You vote for people to represent you. You have the ability to choose who makes laws. It's your responsibility.

3. The less obvious problem would be the historical significance. If we are to say that men should not make decisions on how women decide to do with their bodies we also have to rethink women's suffrage. We also have to rethink statutory rape laws. We have to rethink domestic violence. This argument is so unbelievably fallacious and idiotic I am astounded that a school administration would greenlight it.

4. And the final point, which relates to "hatred" and "racism". Please cite our leaders spewing "hatred" and "racism". And please do not say "well Trump called COVID Kung Flu or the China virus" since that isn't racism at all. He calls it the China virus because it comes from China. Not because Chinese people inherently have COVID. Same with Kung Flu.