Message from @2Lazy2BeOriginal

Discord ID: 790246149533597697

2020-12-20 15:19:36 UTC  

if they do surgery than I’m more inclined to use their pronouns, even neo pronouns

2020-12-20 15:25:30 UTC  

All I know, is I am not calling a single individual they/them.

2020-12-20 15:42:50 UTC  

"Ethical questions" bruh I think they meant Ethnic

2020-12-20 15:44:12 UTC  

wait where is ethical question

2020-12-20 15:48:32 UTC  

I do wish the best for the couple but how do people not think it's weird? Sure he may look like a man but to a lot of people, especiaslly where transgender is uncommon.

2020-12-20 15:48:45 UTC  

also a man can give birth lmao

2020-12-20 15:49:01 UTC  


2020-12-20 15:50:12 UTC  

also it is a women giving birth to the baby, she may appear a man which I'm fine with, but it's not a women

2020-12-20 15:52:52 UTC  

Non binary
Binary meaning two
It presupposes there are only two genders
Which means you can't be non binary

2020-12-20 15:53:09 UTC  


2020-12-20 15:53:10 UTC  

The only exception would be a hermaphrodite and those are rare

2020-12-20 15:53:28 UTC  

And they're not non binary

2020-12-20 15:53:43 UTC  

they would be catogorized as male or female for simplicity purposes

2020-12-20 15:53:52 UTC  

most people don't complain

2020-12-20 15:53:54 UTC  

Even then can’t you usually tell with a hermaphrodite or am I remembering wrong?

2020-12-20 15:54:22 UTC  

Because I know they’re a bit androgynous but they still lean to one side visually I thought

2020-12-20 15:54:28 UTC  

Unless I’m being dumb rn

2020-12-20 15:54:50 UTC  

I don't know a lot about hermaphrodites but usually they have only one functioning sex organ

2020-12-20 15:54:58 UTC  

It’s like 8 and I haven’t had food

2020-12-20 15:55:07 UTC  

So I'd assume that'd be the uterus

2020-12-20 15:56:04 UTC  

yea that's what I thought, very rare and not enough to call someone non binary since they likely have more women traits

2020-12-20 15:56:53 UTC  


2020-12-20 15:57:12 UTC  

Once again, gender is a social construct

2020-12-20 15:57:25 UTC  

There are only two sex organs

2020-12-20 15:57:31 UTC  


2020-12-20 15:57:43 UTC  

One is male and the other is female

2020-12-20 15:59:47 UTC  

People say it's a gender construct yet use Male, men, boy interchangeably

2020-12-20 16:00:00 UTC  

One is a term for sex, another for gender apparently

2020-12-20 16:25:13 UTC  

Who are you guys to say what another person chooses though. If they want to choose to be an Apache attack helicopter than who cares.

2020-12-20 16:26:27 UTC  

no one is saying that it's a mandatory national thing where there's only 2 genders

2020-12-20 16:26:35 UTC  

personally, i think it's stupid and so does everyone else

2020-12-20 16:26:39 UTC  

we can say that

2020-12-20 16:26:46 UTC  

I dont care really, they are stupid yeah but if they want to think that that's fine

2020-12-20 16:27:04 UTC  

granted if you admit it in public everyone would hate you

2020-12-20 16:27:44 UTC  

I was talking about people who say gender is a social construct which use Male, boy, men interchangeably

2020-12-20 16:27:51 UTC  

it's like certain religions disagreeing with gay marrage on personal levels however they would not mandate straight marrage nationally

2020-12-20 16:28:03 UTC  

because they know that's stupid

2020-12-20 16:28:07 UTC  

The only issue that I have is when they force others to recognize and comply to their pronouns and crap. Otherwise, I don't care what they call themselves

2020-12-20 16:28:24 UTC  

It's a freedom of speech to deny gay marriage. Sure if people dont like it that's fine.

2020-12-20 16:29:05 UTC  

And freedom of religion

2020-12-20 16:29:32 UTC  

Just the first amendment 😆