Message from @Simpnautica

Discord ID: 790255534708228137

2020-12-20 16:26:46 UTC  

I dont care really, they are stupid yeah but if they want to think that that's fine

2020-12-20 16:27:04 UTC  

granted if you admit it in public everyone would hate you

2020-12-20 16:27:44 UTC  

I was talking about people who say gender is a social construct which use Male, boy, men interchangeably

2020-12-20 16:27:51 UTC  

it's like certain religions disagreeing with gay marrage on personal levels however they would not mandate straight marrage nationally

2020-12-20 16:28:03 UTC  

because they know that's stupid

2020-12-20 16:28:07 UTC  

The only issue that I have is when they force others to recognize and comply to their pronouns and crap. Otherwise, I don't care what they call themselves

2020-12-20 16:28:24 UTC  

It's a freedom of speech to deny gay marriage. Sure if people dont like it that's fine.

2020-12-20 16:29:05 UTC  

And freedom of religion

2020-12-20 16:29:32 UTC  

Just the first amendment 😆

2020-12-20 16:29:54 UTC  

People get denied from religion all the time. I dont see how different it is from choosing gender since you choose your religion/gender

2020-12-20 16:30:45 UTC  

ye yup

2020-12-20 16:31:23 UTC  

it would suck being denied but people get denied for being transphobic so I don't see why companies shouldn't be allowed to be trandphoibc

2020-12-20 16:31:33 UTC  

Sure your companies would be bankrupt but it's a choice

2020-12-20 16:31:49 UTC  

off topic idk about transgender ppl not allowed in the military though

2020-12-20 16:32:01 UTC  

like surely if you can pass the tests then it doesn't matter

2020-12-20 16:32:09 UTC  

you're military worthy no?

2020-12-20 16:32:26 UTC  

I think that was a pretty dumb choice but i think you should go as your sex

2020-12-20 16:33:03 UTC  

There are physical differences with men and women but they are using guns so i dont know how it would really make a difference

2020-12-20 16:33:06 UTC  

well it doesn't really matter. for example royal marines have like 0 girls because girls can't pass the tests

2020-12-20 16:33:17 UTC  

so equality of opportunity doesn't mean equality of outcome

2020-12-20 16:33:21 UTC  

things sort themselves out

2020-12-20 16:33:46 UTC  

Yea when trump made the rule he had to pay to recruit soldiers so it wasn't a wise move

2020-12-20 16:33:59 UTC  

I think trump was right not making trans in prison though

2020-12-20 16:34:41 UTC  

Like when do you ever hear a trans Male dominating in men prisons

2020-12-20 16:35:43 UTC  

It has to do with mental illness I think because people who suffer from body dysmorphia tend to have a lot of other illnesses along with that that can pose as risk. But otherwise, idk

2020-12-20 16:36:22 UTC  

I can see his gender dysphoria can affect a person but there hasn't been a case where it actually affected the quality

2020-12-20 16:36:31 UTC  

well if it was such a big factor they wouldn't pass the military tests

2020-12-20 16:36:35 UTC  

i think it should be open

2020-12-20 16:36:58 UTC  

Like their being in the wrong body wouldn't be their biggest concern

2020-12-20 16:37:18 UTC  

Yeah, I think that if they can pass the test than they should be admitted.

2020-12-20 16:37:37 UTC  

I don't really know much about this topic anyways 😂

2020-12-20 16:37:40 UTC  

seems backwards that it's not currently the case

2020-12-20 16:38:01 UTC  

I can see how aggressive the males get but the people in military but people in military are good people. Prisons is a way different story

2020-12-20 16:38:47 UTC  

Like I cant see how it is a good thing for actual men in women prisons

2020-12-20 16:39:57 UTC  

it doesn't sound fair no... but it's also the case that you can be put into a prison with a minor crime against someone who has done something major right?

2020-12-20 16:40:37 UTC  

Yea people who do minor drugs can be placed with full blown murders you aren't wrong

2020-12-20 16:40:37 UTC  

or are there different levels or something?

2020-12-20 16:40:48 UTC  

yeah that can be pretty bad

2020-12-20 16:41:03 UTC  

radical groups and such

2020-12-20 16:41:05 UTC  

theres maximum security and other things but I think it's the location that determines the severity of the crime

2020-12-20 16:41:28 UTC  

prisons in the US aren't great really