Message from @SabrinaH89

Discord ID: 777279189169602570

2020-11-14 18:41:23 UTC  

If Amy Klobachars 92 year old dad can beat it, so can anyone that isn’t already sick and dying.

2020-11-14 18:42:48 UTC  
2020-11-14 18:42:59 UTC  

In August 2020 Wuhan

2020-11-14 18:43:17 UTC  

They didn’t beat the virus. It never fucking existed.

2020-11-14 19:55:42 UTC  

let's go back to percentages. 3% of Americans have been infected, and .73% of our population is dead. .0083 percent of their population has been infected and .00027 have died. if you were to add both our countries death rates together their deaths would be 2% of the total. they are parting because they have handled the disease reasonable well, we on the other hand, have not. Amy Klobachars dad survived this is true, so let me introduce you to some science. Viral load: a virus's danger can be focal on the amount introduced into a given system at a time; meaning, many a person can have it but have mild symptoms. Asymptomatic: someone who gets a strain of the disease that may be passed on, but in the original carrier does not manifest symptoms; meaning a person can have it without being in danger but can still be dangerous to others. On top of that saying "look this person survived" is not a valid argument when, statically, a majority so survive.

2020-11-14 20:15:09 UTC  

Considering that the virus was politicized from the beginning, I think that the us handled it very well

2020-11-14 20:17:33 UTC  

do you want to compare our number to literally any other country?

2020-11-14 20:17:41 UTC  

or our method?

2020-11-14 20:36:30 UTC  

Give me a country with equal population and equal transparency in reporting. But then again who knows how many deaths from everything else was said to be covid

2020-11-14 20:37:35 UTC  

Cause you would need to compare states to most European countries to get a fair number

2020-11-14 20:41:27 UTC  

are you ok with compare precentages of populations?

2020-11-14 20:42:22 UTC  

China is known to censor information, so why would you believe that they would be honest on covid. Could we of handled covid better than yes we could have, but that would of required people to think about the American people and not politics

2020-11-14 20:44:02 UTC  

I would be ok if they are getting compared equally. Can't compare the us population of over 300m to the population of Denmark which has 9m people

2020-11-14 20:44:38 UTC  

You would have to compare states to what a single European country has

2020-11-14 20:59:16 UTC  

ok so at random european country, boom Spain, top of my head, gonna go look at their numbers

2020-11-14 21:02:46 UTC  

percent of population dead in America .73% and in Spain .087 big difference there

2020-11-14 21:03:11 UTC  

another one, Germany,

2020-11-14 21:04:43 UTC  

percent of population dead in America .73% and in Germany it is 0.014

2020-11-14 21:06:05 UTC  

Total population of Spain is just shy of 48 million, covid cases 1.46m, deaths 40.8k

2020-11-14 21:07:27 UTC  

Closest state to it is California with 39.5 m, cases 1.2m deaths 18, 221

2020-11-14 21:09:59 UTC  

European countries have populations of our states, can't compare the total us population to just one country, you would have to include a lot of European countries to get even numbers

2020-11-14 21:10:40 UTC  

first off you said I could compare percentages

2020-11-14 21:11:17 UTC  

You are taking a country with the population of a state and trying to compare it to the us

2020-11-14 21:15:59 UTC  

At no point did I say that covid wasn't bad, I just said considering how politicized it was, the US handled it well

2020-11-14 21:17:55 UTC  

Please move to <#727615870385389638> instead of chatting in covid-news. 🙂

2020-11-14 21:19:18 UTC  

we still have the highest covid rate in the world, we make up roughly 20% of the worlds covid cases and 4% of its population, and I do think we handled it badly. out comander and chief down played, suggested we not test, cut federal funding for testing, removed the internation pandemic responce team devised under a previous administartion, attack our best epidimiologist and discredited masks. he has also lied about the progression of the virus, down played it's activity and reopened too early. and @Rocci we are talking about covid

2020-11-14 21:20:11 UTC  

This channel is about the NEWS on covid, not an active discussion.

2020-11-14 22:43:02 UTC  

> percent of population dead in America .73% and in Spain .087 big difference there
@chaz big difference? You do see what side of the decimal the numbers are on right?

2020-11-15 00:34:38 UTC  

still almost a factor of ten

2020-11-15 15:48:27 UTC  
2020-11-15 15:49:48 UTC  

And a whole bunch of studies on therapeutics at

2020-11-15 15:50:05 UTC  
2020-11-15 15:50:45 UTC  

Weird it won't link lol... One more try

2020-11-15 21:56:53 UTC  

COVID-19 infections are soaring. Lockdowns could be coming. Here's a list of restrictions in your state.

2020-11-16 03:06:33 UTC  

Yes. That's true. Many people, including myself, had already known about COVID-19 before the U.S. closed its borders. Why the sudden scare, we may never know.

2020-11-16 03:06:58 UTC  

I just dismissed it as "oh another one of these scares."