Message from @RagingTwelvie

Discord ID: 787347883862917130

2020-12-11 12:12:35 UTC  

In my state (PA) we are locking down again. We know enough about this virus that we do NOT need to lock down again. At this point, it is being used to establish tyranny within our country, and it has to stop NOW. I could see us locking down for a virus like smallpox which is WAY more lethal, but this the SECOND lockdown for a virus similar to influenza. We have to do more to stand up to the tyranny and retake OUR freedoms that have been stolen by hypocrite democrat governers. SPEAK OUT! FREEDOM WILL PROSPER WITHIN THE USA!

2020-12-11 12:32:59 UTC  

How will you rebel?

2020-12-11 12:57:10 UTC  

i mean he did just say speak out

2020-12-11 13:51:11 UTC

2020-12-11 15:27:40 UTC

2020-12-11 15:28:03 UTC  

Just I case you need more proof about the BS of masks

2020-12-11 16:00:06 UTC  

I stopped wearing masks after November

2020-12-11 16:00:40 UTC  

If I didn't have to go into town or wear one everywhere on my college campus, I would stop.

2020-12-11 16:04:39 UTC  

Now Sweden has become a victim to "fear mongering from case counts"

2020-12-11 16:16:25 UTC  

When I go to stores I say I get panic attacks from masks and I don’t have to wear them

2020-12-11 16:32:19 UTC  

Just say you have respiratory problems

2020-12-11 16:41:45 UTC  

I could make it a legitimate excuse because I have nasal problems in the winter sometimes.

2020-12-11 16:41:56 UTC  

I would prefer not to lie about it.

2020-12-12 00:24:33 UTC  

If reincarnation turns out to be legit, I do not want to come back to this rock in the near future. I do not envy the generation that's going to inherit this mess.

2020-12-12 00:26:27 UTC  

It's not. So you're good 👍

2020-12-12 05:58:53 UTC

2020-12-12 15:59:23 UTC  

Yo i was watching Timcast IRL last night and they were talking about 272 milion people expected to die in 3th world countries because of first world economic collapse.
Does anyone has a source on that?
i tried to google it but couldnt find it

2020-12-12 16:34:39 UTC  

most likely a discussion topic not a news article

2020-12-12 16:35:50 UTC  

and that would be peak losses...unless ur counting communist nations doing most of the collapse because they rely on non communist nations for food/resources

2020-12-12 18:54:28 UTC  

Is the vaccine just bad in memes or is it genuinely bad

2020-12-12 19:08:56 UTC  

the memes is the vaccine, the vaccine is the memes

2020-12-12 21:09:40 UTC  

Me (reading a Vox article): wow, turns out there are no side effects to this new vaccine so far
My friend: well, when my future kid pops out with 3 arms and 14 legs, I'd consider that a side affect!

2020-12-13 04:20:26 UTC  

it was never about a 'disease''s about oppression

2020-12-13 06:00:01 UTC  

If only the covid lock down protesters had the same people going to the stop the steal rallies had then I'm pretty sure the lock down would have been on the verge of ending right about now

2020-12-13 06:43:00 UTC  

I honestly don't know anything about that stuff. I personally don't like taking it because I will end up being another number for the covid statistic and I don't want to contribute to that. But if I were to visit family like my grandma, I would do it beforehand just to be safe.

2020-12-13 06:47:01 UTC  

Don’t. It’s a scam 97% are false. And in the end you’d be potentially hurt

2020-12-13 06:48:22 UTC  

Instead take Ivermectin

2020-12-13 06:50:51 UTC  

I'm not seeing any family for the holiday this year, except for an uncle and aunt coming over

2020-12-13 06:51:08 UTC  

Is that like hydroxychloroquine?

2020-12-13 07:14:45 UTC  

No it’s another very promising anti viral drug. In the video of the doctor who had enough explains it

2020-12-13 11:38:30 UTC  

@margarita there are different tests. I have to take them for work. I have done the saliva one and the nasal one. The nasal one was not the one where it feels like they poke your brain out, just in your nostril. If you want to see your grandma on Christmas, you have time to watch your symptoms before. Usual incubation time is 4 to 5 days. If you have to go to a mass testing site where you are sitting around a bunch of people who are there because they think they're sick and have symptoms you are probably better off not being tested if you are asymptomatic.