Message from @LuckyPuffy

Discord ID: 767733044601290772

2020-10-19 03:38:33 UTC  

I thought the tractor felt like it was leaning to its side

2020-10-19 03:38:36 UTC  

Yeah wtf is with that? Maybe that's how Antifa has a tank division.

2020-10-19 03:38:53 UTC  

Because of gravity.

2020-10-19 03:39:05 UTC  

There tank division also doubles as a cast for my 600 pound life

2020-10-19 03:39:05 UTC  


2020-10-19 03:39:10 UTC  


2020-10-19 03:40:07 UTC  

So that how they've been getting funds

2020-10-19 03:41:17 UTC  

Yeah their moms who live off welfare are the ones paying for their children to play in the sandbox with 💩 in it. In other words, Portland OR.

2020-10-19 03:41:59 UTC  

Portland made it legal for furries to mate and shit in dog parks. Like wtf

2020-10-19 03:44:06 UTC  

cali legalized weed

2020-10-19 03:44:29 UTC  

In Italy methamphetamine is legal

2020-10-19 03:45:13 UTC  

no way

2020-10-19 03:46:12 UTC

2020-10-19 08:21:29 UTC  

Conspiracy: Canadians weigh less than Americans because there is less gravity in their country.

2020-10-19 08:26:19 UTC  

porn, netflix, youtube, etc

mechanisms to passify and control the masses

2020-10-19 09:35:01 UTC  

Conspiracy,,, Every time they upgrade technology the worse it works but the more they force us to be dependant upon it. One day they will turn it off just to watch the masses starve and die out.

2020-10-19 11:41:53 UTC  

@Drift that’s not even a conspiracy. It’s a proven fact.

2020-10-19 12:49:36 UTC  

And it works

2020-10-19 12:54:41 UTC  

China is the puppet master behind the racial and political divide in the country. George Soros is only the mascot. The reason for this is because America is a money bank to the Chinese corporations and politicians. And since trump has put in place tariffs and restrictions the Chinese government was forced to put their political overtake in high speed so that they could completely OWN the United States for their own political and monetary gain.

2020-10-19 12:56:38 UTC  

they're trying to buy up huge parts of land across America, dangerous that Biden the potential next president has done dodgy business deals with them

2020-10-19 12:57:01 UTC  

> China is the puppet master behind the racial and political divide in the country. George Soros is only the mascot. The reason for this is because America is a money bank to the Chinese corporations and politicians. And since trump has put in place tariffs and restrictions the Chinese government was forced to put their political overtake in high speed so that they could completely OWN the United States for their own political and monetary gain.
@Culf George Soros and Bill Gates are the scapegoats for every normie conspiracy theory, Xi Jinping is way more dangerous.

2020-10-19 12:57:36 UTC  

You can't have a conspiracy without Soros, really. 🤭

2020-10-19 12:57:37 UTC  

> @Culf George Soros and Bill Gates are the scapegoats for every normie conspiracy theory, Xi Jinping is way more dangerous.
@LuckyPuffy bet your ass. Take a look at Hong Kong

2020-10-19 12:57:45 UTC  

We should convince the rest of the world to force China back and stop causing so many problems.

2020-10-19 12:58:05 UTC  

The US gets crap for polluting but China and India do it to an exponentially larger degree.

2020-10-19 12:58:12 UTC  

Also, how is Soros still alive? He's almost 100 yrs old

2020-10-19 12:58:19 UTC  

There is a push back, India Australia US

2020-10-19 12:58:57 UTC  

But if Biden gets in He'll sell the US out to china

2020-10-19 13:00:54 UTC  

Osama Bin Ladin was NOT killed by Seal Team Six in May of 2011 in Pakistan. What really happened was the U.S government killed the wrong person. A double that looked similar to Osama. But Iran, who has been protecting Osama for many years prior decided to pull the plug after arranging a 20 billion dollar deal to allow Seal Team Six to kill Osama, after the failed attempt the obamas and the Clintons couldn’t admit their mistake to the public in fear of political suicide and civil unrest. So they went along with it. Seal Team Six however, knew it was a hoax. So then Benghazi happened. The rest is history

2020-10-19 13:01:43 UTC  

> But if Biden gets in He'll sell the US out to china
@SHAMAN966 yes, and to Ukraine

2020-10-19 13:01:48 UTC  


2020-10-19 13:03:06 UTC  

> Osama Bin Ladin was NOT killed by Seal Team Six in May of 2011 in Pakistan. What really happened was the U.S government killed the wrong person. A double that looked similar to Osama. But Iran, who has been protecting Osama for many years prior decided to pull the plug after arranging a 20 billion dollar deal to allow Seal Team Six to kill Osama, after the failed attempt the obamas and the Clintons couldn’t admit their mistake to the public in fear of political suicide and civil unrest. So they went along with it. Seal Team Six however, knew it was a hoax. So then Benghazi happened. The rest is history
@Culf Do you think he's still alive?

2020-10-19 13:05:11 UTC  

Hunter also did some corrupt business in my country. Fuck Hunter, he's both selling America out and exploiting our already corrupt system.

2020-10-19 13:05:32 UTC  

Possible. I heard they cut up the fake Osama into pieces and threw the body parts off a cliff in Baghdad. While the real Osama got the traditional floating out to sea kind of burial

2020-10-19 13:05:48 UTC  

I know Romania is a good ally of the United States. Trump has said it many times. So that leaves me with this: I'm for Trump 2020

2020-10-19 13:07:20 UTC  

Trump is fighting for western value's

2020-10-19 13:07:24 UTC  

You might vaguely hear the cliff story but it never spread out widely

2020-10-19 13:07:39 UTC  

They casted it out as “Mandela affect”

2020-10-19 13:07:51 UTC  

Conspiracies conspiracies

2020-10-19 13:08:16 UTC  

> Trump is fighting for western value's
@SHAMAN966 Western values are amazing. Period.

2020-10-19 13:08:43 UTC  

Yeah I don't know too much about Osama's death but I wouldnt be suprised if there was some kind of coverup.