Message from @124c41

Discord ID: 767812631712366593

2020-10-19 17:59:48 UTC  

If you tell me that your going to hit your hand with a hammer and I say hey dont do that youll hurt yourself, Im not future telling

2020-10-19 18:00:02 UTC  


2020-10-19 18:00:30 UTC  

a fun research is the silver pharoh

2020-10-19 18:01:07 UTC  

eratosthenes predicted the circumference of the earth in 200BC

2020-10-19 18:01:28 UTC  

look at his hieroglyph

2020-10-19 18:01:37 UTC  

These ancients were much more intelligent than they get credit for

2020-10-19 18:03:45 UTC  

what is the title of King David in the bible? what was he? He whos star rises over his city right?

2020-10-19 18:04:26 UTC  

hmm so this suggests king david was one of the pharaoh's?

2020-10-19 18:04:55 UTC  

im not very well read on my scriptures

2020-10-19 18:06:07 UTC  

one quill in the title means a believer in one GOD the wall and compass represents a builder. the stork is the symbol for grace. the rest of obvious " his star rises over his city".

2020-10-19 18:07:12 UTC  

few people know much about the silver pharoh because it was discovered at the precipice of WW2

2020-10-19 18:08:23 UTC  

also you have Psusennes I and Psusennes II. David and his second in command (son)over upper and lower egypt.

2020-10-19 18:08:45 UTC  

hear me out

2020-10-19 18:08:56 UTC  

I think there's still a treasure trove left of knowledge to be discovered in Egypt

2020-10-19 18:09:12 UTC  

God created the earth 6000 years ago with fossils already created so that we can think that the earth is billions of years old

2020-10-19 18:09:54 UTC  

alternative theory, genesis was an epic prank God played on people to post on his youtube channel

2020-10-19 18:10:45 UTC  

another interesting theory is the valley of kings exists because the pagan rulers before and their successors had to pay tribute to the new king David to pay for grain during the biblical drought at that time and the old pharaohs were looted and relocated to help pay the king.

2020-10-19 18:10:46 UTC  

interesting hypothesis

2020-10-19 18:12:03 UTC  

that's also why where Psusennes was found the riches were from MANY cultures

2020-10-19 18:13:16 UTC  

watch Patterns of Evidence. very informative on joseph as well

2020-10-19 18:14:14 UTC  

and on correcting the archeological timeline

2020-10-19 18:14:46 UTC  

much of which was terrible guess work.

2020-10-19 18:17:21 UTC  

2 Peter 3:8 pretty much says a single day to God is equivalent to a thousand years to us.

2020-10-19 18:17:44 UTC  

becuase he is eternal

2020-10-19 18:18:56 UTC  

if creation is like a fish pond and we are the fish, God can be like a man putting his hand in to the pond but the fish only sees the hand and says "God is the hand" yet God is so much more.

2020-10-19 18:19:28 UTC  

God Exist outside the pond but also in

2020-10-19 18:19:37 UTC  

the hand can be christ

2020-10-19 18:19:50 UTC  

as well as his will

2020-10-19 18:20:32 UTC  

So the phrase, Earth was built in 7 days, really means it was created in 7,000 years.... So in other words, 10 Billion years ago, divided by 7,000, its 1,428,571 days to God divide by 365, 3,913.9 years ago

2020-10-19 18:20:56 UTC  

I t hink

2020-10-19 18:20:56 UTC  


2020-10-19 18:21:05 UTC  

I am also very dumb in math

2020-10-19 18:21:09 UTC  


2020-10-19 18:21:14 UTC  

there is an inharent problem with that

2020-10-19 18:21:28 UTC  


2020-10-19 18:21:51 UTC  

Somebody correct me lol

2020-10-19 18:22:10 UTC  

looking for a video forget the title though....

2020-10-19 18:24:06 UTC  

I dont agree with everything that kent hovind says but this should gives some ideas though (hes only human)

2020-10-19 18:24:26 UTC  

it is covered in there somewhere