Message from @djream

Discord ID: 795093372800335907

2021-01-02 21:21:11 UTC  
2021-01-02 22:24:21 UTC  

no i'm the center of the universe

and humble too

2021-01-03 00:35:19 UTC  

@βœŒπŸ§β“‡ο½α‘Žπš 🐿🎯 if dark matter is real then power rangers and everything fantasy will soon be real

ok two things, first, do you even understand what the term 'Dark Matter' refers to?

second, are you aware that Jim Peebles Dark Matter theory has been awarded a Nobel Prize for physics? I'm pretty sure they typically don't hand those out for baseless reasons (Note it is not the Nobel Peace Prize, but the Nobel Prize for Physics)

@Tsukoyomi I'm going to asume that you are completely ignorant on the topic based upon your ingnorant statement.
"Dark Matter" is simply a catch all phrase to cover types of matter that modern day technology is unable to directly observe, but can be observed through its effects on matter we CAN observe

2021-01-03 00:47:21 UTC  

which consists of 90-95% of the mass in the universe

right. The Dark Matter Theory was initially thrownout because it went against several theories at the time. and Jim Peebles was considered a crackpot and laughing stock of the scientific community

fast foward a couple of decades, and his theory is the ONLY theory that accounted for and explained EVERY single anomoly discovered as our technology improved.

and was then re-evaluated because again, it was the only theory that was able to account for and explain several anomolous behaviour we directly observed in the univers with improved technology

Jim Peebles was essentially awarded the Nobel Prize for physics as an APOLOGY by the scientific community

2021-01-03 00:55:13 UTC  

is he going to be the new einstein that they teach kids about?

2021-01-03 00:55:22 UTC  

only famous decades later

2021-01-03 00:55:23 UTC  
2021-01-03 00:55:34 UTC  

Jim Peebles

that I don't know

Speaking of Einstein, did you know that the theory of relativity is fundamentally flawed, and the equation E=MC^2 is incomplete?

2021-01-03 00:57:12 UTC  

I have heard that, but I'm too dumb to understand why

2021-01-03 00:57:19 UTC  

I know everything. I'm the center of the universe

It has to do with 'Singularities' being mathmatecally impossible

aka black-holes

2021-01-03 00:58:30 UTC  

i think that theories explain for what we think we know at the time until another comes along that answers the questions left unanswered before

Einstein died before he was able to figure it out

We have tertiary proof that Einstein was correct that his theory and equation were incomplete.

there was a recent experiment in the CERN labs about creating the same reaction our Sun has for energy. The experiment took something like 10^3 MORE energy to start than expected and had an output that was less than expected by 10^2 or something like that

meaning E=MC^2 is essentially off by 10^5

that is a rather large margin of error

E=MC^2 is essentially saying 2+2>0

correct, but not exact

2021-01-03 01:04:56 UTC  

Interesting, can you give the source

for which part? the CERN experiment? Einstein?

2021-01-03 01:06:17 UTC  

CERN experiment

that is going to take a bit of digging on my part, it has been a couple of years since i read that article

those are two articles, please note that one is a peer reviewed article. Finding the cern experiment with the reaction in the sun is not so simple to find

one of those talks about M actually being affected by inertia or motion