Message from @ricc
Discord ID: 795730221004488765
the video tho
those don't look like the same woman
Those are all different angles
So it would be hard to tell if it was or wasn't
facial structure
I could see the first and the last being the same person
But not the middle
for me i see the most similarities between middle and last
I think 1 and 2 look similar
1 looks like she was skinnier than the other 2
but still looks like her
gained some weight over the year perhaps?
the glasses are all the same style too
different glasses but very similar in style/design
Boys was the Nashville bombing an inside job
Keyword search sandy Hook crisis actors and see what you get.
There’s also the... coroner, was it? Or a dad? That looked like a swat guy; and a young brunette white girl I think, crying, that looks very similar to pics of the same from other mass shooting events. Could also try searching crisis actor companies.
It was definitely planned by high level officials, good or bad I don’t know
But why?
Sandy Hook on the other hand
I don’t see the evidence that proves it’s real
Sandy Hook: aerial video of various uniformed folks on the scene just circling a building repeatedly... another example that comes to mind. Oh, and the “dad” that was filmed laughing and “getting into character” before beginning his tearful statement.
Guys, I know a lot of these older expose’s are like 2 and 3 hours long, but, if you always want the recap, you’ll never get the full picture.
And just like this thing now with trumps leaked call being heavily edited, if you only ever seek the highlights, you can easily be disinformed, as obviously most normie folks will be with this latest lie/leak.
Just my opinion.
summation starts around 14 min
In Georgia?
thought someone asked about that. I'm distacted, going through the sandy hook video right now
There were sooo many when that first came out. For years the game was, these videos would get copyright striked after they got too many views, and mirrors would replace, but now it’s just mass purges. I have YT playlists that are like 100’s of vids, but, if you scroll through, like 50% are deleted thumbnails.
And now they don’t even let you see the channel in your list after it’s content has been deleted. Even the name is just gone.
I know it looks boring but there's information in their from the covid relief package
Also did anyone see the Foley report that I posted in here, I think it is absolutely odd how accurate 🤔..
@TheSecurityDev @Kit_DewStein @Meryl.140.15 @StonerWithABoner @Dain Bramage
When HookySand happened, there was tons and tons of videos. Its all gone now. Forget a couple still photos. There is live video of MULTIPLE crisis actors. They would use the same person, in multiple unrelated events.
Boston Marathon
Watertown shooting
You see & hear her speak, 3 different times, 3 different events, & she used 3 different names. It was broadcast on network news. The footage exists. Its all been memory holed. These meme pictures are what's easily available.
And thats just 1 woman. There is OTHERS! Im not grasping at straws here... i'm pulling from extensive research on these events. There are literally hours and hours of films dedicsted to these events. If you want to see the hardcore evidence, its all there. All of it.
Anderson Cooper even got busted using a green screen, when he was supposed to be on front of the courthouse/library building sandy hook.
Honestly, SH will just get you in trouble. Its been weaponized.
You wanna get your mind blown? Study the Boston Marathon.
anderson cooper is gloria vanderbilts son
i learned that recently, had no idea
Boston Marathon
The guy in the wheelchair who gets his "legs blown off", but maintains consciousness, no blood dripping, and he is sitting upright AWAKE
> Sitting upright
> Both legs gone below the knee
> no blood dripping
> Gets rolled past the cameras.
I'll stop there. This is basically an IQ test. If you can figure this out, you can proceed to the next level and process more information. This shit is old and thoroughly been documented. Hours of documentarys on bitchute now.
Red pill
Blue pill
proceed to the next level lol is this a game or somethin
looks like a child sacrifice to me