Message from @Plague Doctor Lawrence
Discord ID: 748994785531920404
I’m okay, I’m just kinda worried about my friend.
Why are you worried about them? Are they in danger?
Of becoming permanently blue pilled and becoming an SJW without realizing it? Oh yeah...
Unless your friend goes out and starts tearing down buildings there's nothing to be worried about.
All you really can do is be there for them and occasionally provide a different perspective to the narratives theyre being peddled.
Maybe oneday they'll agree on some things with you but it's not the end of their lives if they don't.
If you care about your friend you just be there for them. If someone makes fun of him or whatever you can still defend him on the grounds that he's your homie.
Bros before hoes and definately bros before corrupt politics that are designed to divide this nation onto factions.
It's ok to disagree
That's all I'm saying.
Yeah, you are right.
I shouldn’t be trying to argue with him.
Especially not now.
As long as neither of you are infringing upon the freedoms and safties of anyone else
It's fine to have the occasional disagreement.
Some things need to be talked about to get ideas flowing to solve major problems in the world.
Im glad you two aren't letting your ideological differences tear you two apart. And I hope you two can continue to get along even as you but heads on certain issues.
gg dude
He’s still going and he’s about to defend the riots.
This is going nowhere good...
And you did tell him they're all a bunch of criminals and pedos, right?
Did you ask your friend if he denounces pedophilia?
He does.
Bruh, I don't get people. lol
Seriously, I feel people are just sucked into the allure that they're fighting for justice and liberties
And I’ve been talking to him on Discord for a couple years.
Don't forget. In the Civil War, they wanted freedom too in the South. Freedom to own slaves.
It's the same thing all over again
except i'm seeing the whole pedophilia thing get slowly introduced.
Hey, at least that guy is engaging in a conversation about it. That’s huge. Keep engaging. That’s what America is all about, civil discourse. Props to him.
And to you.
@Plague Doctor Lawrence
Im just wondering
If they need to be violent
Why burn down black owned businesses
Why not target political properties and ONLY political properties
What message does looting walmart and target send?
What message stomping out a white man and robbing a trans woman send?
And he’s got some valid points too.
For instance, he’s right about this “culture war” being nothing but a distraction. It could easily be stopped at any time, it’s being allowed to happen. It’s being instigated even.
He’s just wrong about what it’s distracting us from.
@Gigabite the rioters have no real goal, man. It’s not about BLM or inequities. They literally just want to burn it all down and start over. The higher you go in their chain of command, the less the start over part matters.
But there’s no rationalizing it and no use trying to rationalize with them. They just want to watch it all burn.
They’re the incels and the outcasts of society. They’re the people who hate everything around them because they refuse to adopt a single social norm. They live outside of society but are stuck within it, because that’s all there is, and it infuriates them. They’re the ones who shoot up schools. They’re the ones who become serial rapists and child abusers and serial killers.
They love this shit and only force will get them to stop.
When they run out of excuses they’ll invent excuses.
They just want a podium for their rage. They want to be righteous in their assholery. But they’re all just over emotional children having adult level temper tantrums.
@Plague Doctor Lawrence He's got you there.
We can't assume everyone was there to all burn flags.
Though it is true that the flag burners will be the ones that get plastered over the news.
You gotta be careful cause it is easy to fall into an argument about assumed intentions rather than staying focused on the common goal you two share of preserving the quality of life for all Americans reguardless of race color and creed.