Message from @SnowWhite❄

Discord ID: 762846646685532200

2020-10-06 01:18:16 UTC  

Yang forgot that "free" cash comes out of my taxes.

2020-10-06 01:18:20 UTC  


2020-10-06 01:18:22 UTC  


2020-10-06 01:18:32 UTC  

who love and defend our soil from violent commies

2020-10-06 01:18:36 UTC  


2020-10-06 01:18:38 UTC  

> what are proud boys actually?
@ClaudeBlanche YouTube proud boys and there’s a vid by vice, tho it’s a bit biased

2020-10-06 01:18:43 UTC  

proud boys are a white supremacist millitia group

2020-10-06 01:18:50 UTC  

not true

2020-10-06 01:18:55 UTC  

bring proof first

2020-10-06 01:18:58 UTC  

then talk

2020-10-06 01:19:10 UTC  

Proud Boys are the thought project of Gavin McGinnes.

2020-10-06 01:19:12 UTC  

vice leans left, dont they?

2020-10-06 01:19:27 UTC  

Yeah that’s why I said the interview is a bit biased

2020-10-06 01:19:29 UTC  

Gavin is a very vocal anti leftist

2020-10-06 01:19:41 UTC  

> proud boys are a white supremacist millitia group
@PROPHET dude, u don't get to preach... yesterday u were advocating for people in china eating dogs. Lol

2020-10-06 01:19:55 UTC  

> @PROPHET dude, u don't get to preach... yesterday u were advocating for people in china eating dogs. Lol
@qwerty_😎 which is a racist steryotype

2020-10-06 01:20:01 UTC  

better than deep fried butte rimo

2020-10-06 01:20:02 UTC  

dog meat is nice tho

2020-10-06 01:20:03 UTC  

but yknow

2020-10-06 01:20:05 UTC  


2020-10-06 01:20:13 UTC  

> proud boys are a white supremacist millitia group
@PROPHET really? Then what are Black Lives Matter?

2020-10-06 01:20:19 UTC  

some of my best friends are chnese i dont rlly appreciate that

2020-10-06 01:20:21 UTC  

A myth

2020-10-06 01:20:24 UTC  

> @PROPHET really? Then what are Black Lives Matter?
@SnowWhite❄ epic

2020-10-06 01:20:36 UTC  

do black supremacists exist too?

2020-10-06 01:20:40 UTC  


2020-10-06 01:20:44 UTC  


2020-10-06 01:20:46 UTC  

> which is a racist steryotype
@PROPHET ur the racist 😆

2020-10-06 01:20:48 UTC  

ask terry crews

2020-10-06 01:20:50 UTC  

> some of my best friends are chnese i dont rlly appreciate that
@PROPHET appreciate whgat?

2020-10-06 01:20:54 UTC  

> @PROPHET ur the racist 😆
@qwerty_😎 ?

2020-10-06 01:21:03 UTC  


2020-10-06 01:21:21 UTC  

sorry no sarcasm in my message, I just got here and couldn't find what you were talkin bout (?)

2020-10-06 01:21:28 UTC  

I was at this pro trump protest and there was a dude in a kkk costume and we chased in the fuck out becasue MAGA!

2020-10-06 01:21:31 UTC  

> some of my best friends are chnese i dont rlly appreciate that
@PROPHET so... you're white... but because you have a chinese friend that makes you an expert on everything that would offend them?

2020-10-06 01:21:37 UTC  

im black

2020-10-06 01:21:46 UTC  

ohhhhh that makes it sooooo much better

2020-10-06 01:21:48 UTC  

i dont gove a fuck what color you are

2020-10-06 01:21:49 UTC  

and i care about my friends enogh to ask questions

2020-10-06 01:22:08 UTC  

my friend almost killed himslef because of negative racist chinese steryotypes

2020-10-06 01:22:12 UTC  

this shit is very real to me