Message from @Electricbash
Discord ID: 767294983015104572
obama was a weak president ngl
I hate it when people say America was not ready for a black president. When they dont realize that our first black president was himself racist 🙄
Site examples you say? Remember when he said “That couldve been my son”? But when that Australian baseball player was killed, silence.
I heard something about my Generation potentially being more conservative. I hope that is true. I don't think I could stand being around whiney children my entire lifetime. I already get enough of that from people older then me at my job.
wait he has a son??
Black- my son. White- silence
rember when a senator yelled you lie at obama during his sotu
Obama only enflamed racism and anti-police rhetoric. I don't dislike Obama for him being black. I dislike him because his idiotic rhetoric may lead to a lot of blood being spilled depending on how the rest of this year proceeds.
Its like the people after 2016 who said Hillary lost because she has a vagina. lol
I don't care what your gentials or race is. I care about your policies and whether or not you will actually see them through.
Curious isnt it? The party that believes in “equality” strives on race and gender 🤔
hillary is a demon that smells like shit change my mind
Give me a good canidate and they could be a Muslim Latino Woman and I wouldn't give a rats ass as long as they want our country to succeed.
Content of character over color of skin. Thats gone now
if has to be color of skin for everything now
Exactly. As long as they are qualified, honest, and do what is best for the country I will gladly vote for them.
And I mean what is best for the country not what they think is best for the country.
Identity politics and PC culture is the great divider
and schools in general too be fair
Most of the problem seems to be colleges atm though.
collages have black only zones
do you know how stupid that is
Segregation 2.0. Cause... the Narrative
Yeah. I've been thinking about going for an IT degree, but I might have to do courses online. I don't want to be anywhere near a campus.
tranvestites fat feminist libs everywhere
especially in cali
So glad I don't live in Cali
all over colllages
hey man u lucky
Midwest is best.
ihave to deal with all these dumbasses
schools teach kids that trump is rasict
I'd rather have the shit internet and crappy weather than the black block or sjws.
My favorite meme concerning college tuition during this pandemic
there are soyboys at my school
alot of lesbians
and its impossible to get a gf