Message from @Wardog

Discord ID: 773662239789023252

2020-11-04 21:35:14 UTC  

She's a pre op transgender, are you sure?

2020-11-04 21:35:20 UTC  

@Foxino Viola well shit. that seems like some sort of sign, the universe is telling you something.... or maybe its just fucking with you

2020-11-04 21:35:22 UTC  


2020-11-04 21:35:34 UTC  


2020-11-04 21:35:43 UTC  

is she

2020-11-04 21:35:46 UTC  

going girl

2020-11-04 21:35:48 UTC  

or going boy

2020-11-04 21:35:53 UTC  

Going girl

2020-11-04 21:35:53 UTC  

oh wait

2020-11-04 21:36:01 UTC  

I just realized something...

2020-11-04 21:36:10 UTC  

you said the 6th of three back to back months

2020-11-04 21:36:14 UTC  

so ur gf is a guy? i am confusion

2020-11-04 21:36:14 UTC  


2020-11-04 21:36:25 UTC  


2020-11-04 21:36:29 UTC  

She is an mtf transgender

2020-11-04 21:36:41 UTC  

Make to female. She just hasn't got the surgery yet

2020-11-04 21:36:53 UTC  


2020-11-04 21:36:58 UTC  

Foxi knows his stuff

2020-11-04 21:37:15 UTC  

have you spoken with Residential Tranny, Foxino? theyre a friend of mine and like talking about that kind of stuff. Im not really that big on transgenderism... if you still have a dick youre still a guy, but maybe try talking to Tranny sometime

2020-11-04 21:37:30 UTC  

yeah tranny and u are weird

2020-11-04 21:37:31 UTC  

me and Tranny have been friends for a long time

2020-11-04 21:37:39 UTC  

this server is mostly against transgender

2020-11-04 21:37:46 UTC  


2020-11-04 21:37:55 UTC  

Couldn't tell

2020-11-04 21:38:02 UTC  

joe mama couldn't tell

2020-11-04 21:38:03 UTC  


2020-11-04 21:38:04 UTC  

I dont like transgenderism that much, but I dont have anything against trans people. thats a real debate though

2020-11-04 21:38:10 UTC  

so I just advise everybody remaining repsectful

2020-11-04 21:38:17 UTC  


2020-11-04 21:38:23 UTC  

i was gonna say something that could be mean

2020-11-04 21:38:24 UTC  


2020-11-04 21:38:27 UTC  

The way I see it, if they don’t hurt anyone else they can do what they want to their bodies

2020-11-04 21:38:36 UTC  

If living one way makes them happy go for it lol

2020-11-04 21:38:40 UTC  

lets not, because we want to have everyone here feel welcome, doenst matter the specifics about you.

2020-11-04 21:38:46 UTC  

because it influences kids and other people who might be confused

2020-11-04 21:38:54 UTC  

I see it as... If you respect me, I respect you. For example, "It is ma'am" is a guy to me

2020-11-04 21:39:12 UTC  

I agree, give respect to get respect

2020-11-04 21:39:28 UTC  

there are stories of transgenders and almost transgenders about being forced or almost forced to do it

2020-11-04 21:39:44 UTC  

in my personal opinion, its evil to transition 7 year old children, but in America we are allowed to take life/body altering drugs like alcohol and cigarrettes at 21 years old, so I think you should only be allowed to transition at 21 years old. That will let people have time to have their brains develop, enter the adult world a little bit, make sure they are serious.

2020-11-04 21:39:45 UTC  

Yeah, detransitioners

2020-11-04 21:39:56 UTC  

I agree w that