Message from @Dr. Taco

Discord ID: 778554794256105513

2020-11-18 09:36:17 UTC  

Jesus takes the cake

2020-11-18 09:36:25 UTC  

These globalists openly and often say how they want to depopulate the world to around 500 million people.

2020-11-18 09:36:32 UTC  

They flaunt it. They don't even hide it anymore

2020-11-18 09:36:40 UTC  

Like they're proud of it

They can do that in china


2020-11-18 09:37:03 UTC  

I like how this isn’t even in <#763630921403465728>

2020-11-18 09:37:06 UTC  

Because it’s not

2020-11-18 09:37:09 UTC  

Its real


2020-11-18 09:37:16 UTC  

weren't there more people than that before the black plague?

2020-11-18 09:37:17 UTC  

@Dr. Taco We'll I'm not religious, so for those that are religious, you can call him #2 then

2020-11-18 09:37:34 UTC  

It's not a theory when there's hard irrefutable evience

2020-11-18 09:37:36 UTC  

It’s not in conspiracy theories because you guys aren’t talking there for some reason.

2020-11-18 09:37:38 UTC  

It becomes fact

May god bless us all

2020-11-18 09:38:13 UTC  

I mean it's not a theory when TIME magazine and the president of Canada openly endorse the great Reset

2020-11-18 09:38:36 UTC  

Even Tucker Carlson talked about it the other evening

Omg we need to reset lefties there brain

2020-11-18 09:38:47 UTC  

I think Trump said at a rally, some guy in a crowd yelled to him something like, “You’re the greatest man to ever live!” And Trump responded with, “No, Jesus beats me there... and it’s not even close.” That’s was a good line.

2020-11-18 09:38:57 UTC  

It's not Leftists, they're just being used like a tool by these globalists.

2020-11-18 09:39:05 UTC  

No, look at the recent news



2020-11-18 09:39:23 UTC  

If you remove the leftists, the globalists controlling them will just find new useful idiots

Not us

2020-11-18 09:46:54 UTC  

Only a few weeks ago the ShadowNet (A PsyOp weapon the military made, and used on the Afgan people to influence them to elect the leader we wanted them to elect), which is not a secret, has been being used on the American people for over 4 years now. It's actually being sold as a service/product, by a company called Dynology. Dynology, thanks to 2 bills that were signed recently, also has the right to clone the full internet data stream that the NSA gets, which is required for ShadowNet, which was rebranded as iPsy. Dynology isn't even the only company that has this full unfettered access either. I know how this sounds. Only a week ago, I would've dismissed this stuff as loony toon, crazy conspiracy theory stuff, but all this stuff is being whistle blown by people who created ShadowNet, worked in the military for years, and it's proveable that what they talk about isn't a lie.

I mean these companies actually had this stuff on their own websites, and openly sold this data to companies! They weren't even hiding it!

2020-11-18 09:47:37 UTC  

This whole Right vs. Left thing, all this division, and hate. It's all part of this PsyOp tool these companies have been running on the American people

2020-11-18 09:48:31 UTC  

We used to have different ideologies, but when this tool developed by the military was sold to these companies (owned by former Generals in the military) all this division and hate began.

2020-11-18 09:49:33 UTC  

The documentary that blew the lid on all this was banned all over the place, and the investigative journalist was even arrested and detained, but was released.

2020-11-18 09:49:49 UTC  

You don't arrest an investigative journalist if they're making shit up.

2020-11-18 09:50:17 UTC  


2020-11-18 09:50:20 UTC  

If you wanna watch it yourself, it's here:

2020-11-18 09:53:30 UTC  

I didn't know any of this shit until a few days ago. I think most people were slowly fed the truth, but once I learned about the pandemic being faked, I started looking into more things. What else had I been believing that was actually a total lie?...

2020-11-18 09:53:37 UTC  

I got red suppository-ed

2020-11-18 09:53:49 UTC  

I'm still in shock

2020-11-18 10:00:34 UTC  

The same investigative journalist exposed the attempted DC coup by these "affinity groups" like BLM, AntiFa, Sunrise Movement, etc...
They have a real plan, and intel network, and leadership network, and tons and tons of pawns.
She sent the info to law enforcement as well as military, and trump campaign officials. Everyone she talked to said that this was a very real thing. She still has informants in all of these affinity groups feeding her info.
Again, nothing conspiracy theory about this, all been proven and even corroborated by high govt. ranking officials and law enforcement that were already aware of the situation.
After learning about this, and some details of these people's coup plans, I'm starting to think the Million MAGA March was partially about sending a message to these people.

2020-11-18 10:02:03 UTC  

Maybe I'm just a little late to the party, and most of you already know about this stuff. That's what it feels like, when I talked to my friend, and he's known about this stuff for months.

2020-11-18 10:03:07 UTC  

Anyways, just wanted to get this off my chest.

2020-11-18 11:27:34 UTC  

How do you know the media is liberal