Message from @ManOWar

Discord ID: 605911825409638452

2019-07-30 23:52:52 UTC  

preferably against the wahmmynz "soccer" team

2019-07-30 23:53:05 UTC  

If feminist used them for numbers, the trans should use them back for trophies and easy money

2019-07-30 23:53:20 UTC  

Yeah I thought Megan whatever was a dude.

2019-07-30 23:53:24 UTC  

i'd love for a tranny soccer team just trans-handling those cunts

2019-07-30 23:53:45 UTC  

At least it's in Tokyo

2019-07-30 23:53:57 UTC  

then they would stfu about pay and shit...and be fucking thankful that they're getting paid anything for sucking that bad...

2019-07-30 23:54:22 UTC  

Yeah they call Japanese mgtow men as herbivore men.

2019-07-30 23:54:50 UTC  

Japan is really neat. I chose to focus on German culture studies but I should look into Japanese later

2019-07-30 23:55:20 UTC  

They are 10 years advanced when it comes to their society.

2019-07-30 23:55:36 UTC  


2019-07-30 23:55:41 UTC  

Part of being homogeneous

2019-07-30 23:55:44 UTC  

It's great

2019-07-30 23:55:56 UTC  

Japanese womens studies

2019-07-30 23:56:09 UTC  

Isn't that just called sex tourism?

2019-07-30 23:56:09 UTC  

I wish I can speak Japanese. So I can talk to the Japanese mgtow men.

2019-07-30 23:56:39 UTC  

I am happy with German for now. Maybe once I get fluent in that I'll learn an Eastern language

2019-07-30 23:56:47 UTC  

Idk, I’ve never done it in the east in general

2019-07-30 23:56:49 UTC  

I wonder what their marriage rate is in Japan?

2019-07-30 23:56:54 UTC  

Besides Canary Islands

2019-07-30 23:57:13 UTC  

I need to get back to my German lessons

2019-07-30 23:57:16 UTC  

I mean it's low obviously but I don't remember the numbers

2019-07-30 23:57:17 UTC  

Why bother learning German when everyone there will be speaking Arabic?

2019-07-30 23:57:22 UTC  


2019-07-30 23:57:25 UTC  


2019-07-30 23:57:27 UTC  

Well we still have a while

2019-07-30 23:58:09 UTC  

Germany once known for power and dominance. Now lead by feminists what a shame.

2019-07-30 23:58:21 UTC  

Eh. That's everything though

2019-07-30 23:58:29 UTC  

Yeah. Sigh

2019-07-30 23:58:30 UTC  

You could say the same about any Western country

2019-07-30 23:58:42 UTC  

America used to be good too

2019-07-30 23:58:49 UTC  

But now we're worse than Europe

2019-07-30 23:59:00 UTC  

Well hopefully I won't be alive during the collapse.

2019-07-30 23:59:10 UTC  

I certainly hope I am

2019-07-30 23:59:43 UTC

2019-07-30 23:59:52 UTC  

I wonder what life will be during a collapse.

2019-07-31 00:00:05 UTC  

There won't be any life

2019-07-31 00:00:06 UTC  

That depends on the person

2019-07-31 00:00:09 UTC  

Other than survival

2019-07-31 00:00:13 UTC  

That's true.

2019-07-31 00:00:26 UTC  

I don't think the collapse will be extreme personally

2019-07-31 00:00:41 UTC  

@ManOWar Yeah I watched a lot of forward observers stuff and it makes a lot of sense