Message from @(•~•)
Discord ID: 721797663712084080
As a independent what are your core values in the political environment? @ren
@Balangas you’ll never know the luxury of having obscure parties that will never win and are mostly extreme... oh wait nevermind
Yes that’s what I basically said
@Goldman how do you pronounce that. Is it Cghhloocjyt
Yo I'll trade two spicy fried chicken legs for a breast
What kinda chicken are they selling you my guy?
@silentlore |*FREEHK*🇭🇰☭⃠ Pl-eye-d C-ay-m-rue
If more Chaz pop up across the nation and western countries. I think the kid gloves come off and end all of those idiots
Spicy chicken wings that got the crust shit
Welcome, @Some Random Guy.
U have to cook em
Oh that’s why it looks like that
So tom has spicy as well lol
My dead grandad was Welsh so my dad would tell me how fucked the Welsh language is
Never mind they’re good
Good af
Just came home
I love Caribbean jerk chicken
Sweating like a pig
“ll” is a “hhuugkkh” sound @silentlore |*FREEHK*🇭🇰☭⃠
The worst part about that is they should have chose like the middle of nowhere @Ren lol
@Goldman I know that
All the auto correct today
Not the bullet kind
Bad ass camera
My grandad has one of those cameras
Welcome, @I Got Autism.
@elijahdontstop they could had homestead in alaska.
It weighs like 2 rosie o donnels
Bout the same as my cat there
Immovable object @Tom B