Message from @taxiguy35
Discord ID: 722142743853400115
its not bad near me
but in Miami it seems to be a little crazy
Miami cops hold their own though
Of cours.e
We’re a red state thank god
They attacking cops on all angles though. Even in kids shows Paw Patrol is getting called to get rid of the cop dog.
Yeah they do. It was awesome to see that.
fucking idiocy
Until we get all the libs from New England
And Canada
It's called Paw Patrol how can you get rid of the cop
Swing State, technically, but we swung red for Trump which makes me have faith
It really is. The police departments around the country should all call off one day. ONE NIGHT. See what happens.
I know, that would be chaos, but in theory...
I have faith in Florida police
the bad people wont care. theyll just use it as another reason to hate cops
and the good people will suffer
Desantis won’t let us lose law and order
_For the next 12 hours, all crime is legal_
i wish solutions were so easy
I say that California, Oregon, and Washington state should all form their own country and break off from the United States
we do need a purge
My state hasn’t voted Democrat since ‘68
I could get some Purge on
Yes call it pacifica
I'm okay with that HeisRisen.
congrats Parovius 😄
United States Of Antifa
I don't think the lefties want the purge. Conservities are the ones who like the 2nd amendment lol.
call it Retardadia
Problem is, there are areas in CA which are RED.
There’s actually a lot of conservatives in Cali
Eastern and northern Cali
CA was RED for a long time.
The population is just so high they get overshadowed
Ronald Reagan