Message from @Goldman

Discord ID: 722146907966799933

2020-06-15 17:51:33 UTC  


2020-06-15 17:51:50 UTC  

@kyzercube who said anything about flat earth? Lol

2020-06-15 17:51:52 UTC  

Bernie Sanders' only motivation to run for President a 2nd time was to get another house 🤣

2020-06-15 17:51:55 UTC  

It’s funny how often and severely they eat their own once their pinky toe barely smudges the line

2020-06-15 17:51:57 UTC

2020-06-15 17:51:58 UTC  

Me and my maga hat will be over here waiting to collect liberal tears in November

2020-06-15 17:52:08 UTC  

Yea its turned into if you are not with us you are against us.

2020-06-15 17:52:20 UTC  


2020-06-15 17:52:35 UTC  

Salty 😋

2020-06-15 17:52:39 UTC  

From the lefties: You don't agree? You're all the phobes and ists. Deplorable. lol

2020-06-15 17:52:48 UTC  

i didnt buy a MAGA hat because i dont want to get fucked with. ive already had a few friends in my area get fucked with, and now its a lot worse than it was a year ago

2020-06-15 17:52:56 UTC  

@Rat King No one. It's just when you started on about the anti-evolution stuff, it reminded me of the fe joke I posted that someone told me.

2020-06-15 17:53:12 UTC  

I have a trump shirt and a hat and an American flag

2020-06-15 17:53:23 UTC  

I brought all three to school for America day and ho ho that was fun

2020-06-15 17:53:24 UTC  

I have a friend who thinks the earth is flat

2020-06-15 17:53:26 UTC  

oh man, i got plenty of flags

2020-06-15 17:53:36 UTC  

i got fucked with on America day back in high school

2020-06-15 17:53:37 UTC  

I want a women for trump flag

2020-06-15 17:53:52 UTC  

I live in a blue state. I wanna get a MAGA hat to walk around and mess with people but I've kept pushing it off lol.

2020-06-15 17:53:54 UTC  

@Rat King I would troll that friend till the end of time.

2020-06-15 17:53:59 UTC  

@Rat King the earth is concave, like what the nazi’s used to believe

2020-06-15 17:54:21 UTC  

dont wear a Trump hat in public unless you have the skills to defend yourself, or you carry.

2020-06-15 17:54:29 UTC  

they tried pointing a telescope at the sky to spy on Britain, cos on a concave earth you could do that

2020-06-15 17:54:37 UTC  

Welcome, @HUNTER4639.

2020-06-15 17:54:53 UTC  

I can defend myself unless its like a mob or something lol.

2020-06-15 17:55:00 UTC  

@Wardog defend myself against gay guys who fight like girls in middle school?

2020-06-15 17:55:04 UTC  


2020-06-15 17:55:09 UTC  

@Rat King it must be open season for your friend

2020-06-15 17:55:24 UTC  

enough chihuahuas can take down a wolf

2020-06-15 17:55:30 UTC  

@Rat King My avatar is a picture of the Sun I made recording the Mercury/Solar transit November last year. If you look at the pic carefully you can see Mercury in the center. What looks like a G6 airplane passed right through the shot lol

2020-06-15 17:55:33 UTC  

Kitty fight, hair pulling, makeup smearing and nails

2020-06-15 17:55:40 UTC  

they only fight in numbers anyway lmao

2020-06-15 17:55:41 UTC  

@sasha91 an army of 5 soy boys is still equatable to about 1 mega bouncer. The bundle of sticks mentality is correct

2020-06-15 17:55:46 UTC  

anyone noticed how Netflix and Google Movies pushing hard and skewing the rankings with "Films to inspire change" cringe shit

2020-06-15 17:55:52 UTC  


2020-06-15 17:55:55 UTC  

Kick to the nonexistent jewels and maybe a solid punch in the nose

2020-06-15 17:56:11 UTC  

Amazon Video too. they have "BLACK LIVES MATTER" black square pinned at the top of their app

2020-06-15 17:56:15 UTC  

@Rat King I've got a huge 8inch mirror telescope. Can see a bunch of stuff with it.

2020-06-15 17:56:16 UTC  


2020-06-15 17:56:19 UTC  


2020-06-15 17:56:22 UTC  

Pinterest does too