Message from @MagicalTrout

Discord ID: 723885193605414953

2020-06-20 12:51:17 UTC  

they are a tool for the lgbtqqtoqt+ community and sjw to scream about

2020-06-20 12:51:17 UTC  

The latter

2020-06-20 12:51:35 UTC  

Goddamn alphabet people :(

2020-06-20 12:52:06 UTC  

and i think actually trans are the biggest victims like theese suicide rates are so high they became a meme , and yet they still advertise it as a good solution

2020-06-20 12:52:40 UTC  

Yeah, it's like, 40%?

2020-06-20 12:52:56 UTC  

I guess it's temporary happiness then regret in most situations

2020-06-20 12:53:42 UTC  

i dissagree with the whole procedure , i know i read somewhere that there is a mental illness that makes you think that your hand, does not belong to you , and in extreme cases it can lead to self harm etc, BUT do they give into the ill patient will and let them chop his hand off ? NO

2020-06-20 12:53:47 UTC  

same case should be there

2020-06-20 12:54:47 UTC  

but its profitable to let them change the gender , make them hormone dependant for the rest of their lives , if they get depressed and other stuff its just bonus points because they will create even more demand for medicine = money

2020-06-20 12:55:18 UTC  

yeah but if you tell them that they have a mental illness that offensive, how dare you suggest reality

2020-06-20 12:55:55 UTC  

well it still doesnt change that they are mentally ill

2020-06-20 12:56:01 UTC  

Reality bad
Drugs good

2020-06-20 12:56:10 UTC  

even they call it gender dysphoria

2020-06-20 12:57:56 UTC  

and the fricked up thing about people who make there self cripped is that our tax dollars have to pay for them

2020-06-20 12:58:46 UTC  

thats why we should speak againt it , show what it trully is and the most important part stop giving into mentally ill ppl demands

2020-06-20 12:59:36 UTC  

its because it is being advertised as something good

2020-06-20 12:59:38 UTC  


2020-06-20 12:59:42 UTC  

how do you guys feel about the military paying for people surgeries?

2020-06-20 12:59:55 UTC  

What, how
(Mili paying for surgeries)

2020-06-20 13:01:05 UTC  

idk i could go both ways for it

2020-06-20 13:01:19 UTC  

like people join the military for the benefits

2020-06-20 13:01:27 UTC  

free collage, ect.

2020-06-20 13:02:01 UTC  

but i also feel that going in a just getting a free boob job is kinda

2020-06-20 13:02:02 UTC  


2020-06-20 13:02:16 UTC  

Oh dude that's amazing

2020-06-20 13:02:32 UTC  

Angry cops made a good joke about that, lemme see if I can find it

2020-06-20 13:05:28 UTC  

1:45, watch for 45sec
Not on pc, can't timestamp

2020-06-20 13:05:58 UTC  


2020-06-20 13:06:04 UTC  

lol i saw that video

2020-06-20 13:06:08 UTC  


2020-06-20 13:06:25 UTC  

"thank me for my service"

2020-06-20 13:06:41 UTC  

he literally wimped out of killing a bunny

2020-06-20 13:07:02 UTC  

a true vet

2020-06-20 13:09:06 UTC  

My opinion on the matter, is that if there were more willing people in the US, that wanted to serve, that'd be great and they wouldn't need to offer incentives. But since a large majority of the population is devolving into self entitled pansies, they need to have good incentives for the small portion of the rest of the population.

2020-06-20 13:09:20 UTC  

I mean either that, or y'all just stop recruiting and China goes pew pew

2020-06-20 13:30:21 UTC  

There are veteran degrees

2020-06-20 13:30:56 UTC  

I have more respect for a 4 year veteran whose been to combat than a 20 year veteran who never deployed

2020-06-20 13:32:58 UTC  

I'm a 4 year vet

2020-06-20 13:33:29 UTC  


2020-06-20 13:35:06 UTC  

Surprised u don't have it down to the hour

2020-06-20 13:36:50 UTC  

We always called it EAS