Message from @Mrrshan

Discord ID: 723973986769436762

CNN tomorrow: Millions of protestors storm Trump rally

2020-06-20 18:50:40 UTC  

I like how news outlets say "growing Covid-19 concerns" for Trump rally's yet ignored it at all the riots a few weeks back

2020-06-20 18:50:42 UTC  

Welcome, <@!331390058592468993>.

2020-06-20 18:51:08 UTC  

It’s safe to protest the streets with thousands of people hand in hand but no rally’s. Could spread COVID

2020-06-20 18:51:13 UTC  

Welcome, <@!258972350219943936>.

2020-06-20 18:51:26 UTC  

Welcome, <@!722131648698777612>.

We all know covid is a political tool to them just like racism

2020-06-20 18:51:41 UTC  

They're giving sanitizers, face masks and thermal screening before entering, bet they won't report that!

2020-06-20 18:52:07 UTC  
2020-06-20 18:52:07 UTC  

I mean at the rally today

2020-06-20 18:52:22 UTC  

Yee people are complaining that his rally could spread Covid but Oklahoma has been on the final stage of re-opening for a while so they don’t even need the masks

They’ve been wanting to create a crisis for a long time now, just look at how they were saying the world was going to end in 12 years if we didn’t get rid of everything and destroyed our economy

Then covid came and no one cares about climate change

2020-06-20 18:52:56 UTC  

Trust me, they only broadcast on what fits their agenda

Now george floyd and no one cares about covid

All political tools

2020-06-20 18:53:23 UTC  

They just decided to pull this shit off at a vulnerable time

2020-06-20 18:53:31 UTC  

But I thought the Earth was going to exploded in 12 years

2020-06-20 18:53:42 UTC  

Welcome, @Mrrshan.

2020-06-20 18:53:47 UTC  

At this point, I hope it does

2020-06-20 18:54:09 UTC  


2020-06-20 18:54:12 UTC  

How about when Rayshard was shot and killed? CNN and all the other mainstream media said he was killed in the Wendy’s parking lot for no reason.

2020-06-20 18:54:57 UTC  

Well we all should know the media can't be trusted

2020-06-20 18:55:05 UTC  


2020-06-20 18:55:19 UTC  

Like none of this has to do with race. The george Floyd case was a violent cop. The rayshard brooks case was self defense.

2020-06-20 18:55:19 UTC  

I feel like nobody should lose their life for resisting arrest and there should be a better way to detain people but my god. If your gonna be a news station then cover all the facts!

2020-06-20 18:55:34 UTC  


2020-06-20 18:55:43 UTC  

Agreed also

2020-06-20 18:55:45 UTC  

Well, depends on the situation

2020-06-20 18:55:55 UTC  

Has anyone else thought of just how much the Chicago mayor looks like Sid the sloth from ice age?

2020-06-20 18:56:06 UTC  

Yoooooo XD

2020-06-20 18:56:08 UTC  

I need to look. What’s his name.

2020-06-20 18:56:19 UTC  

Or someone send a photo.

2020-06-20 18:56:27 UTC  

Welcome, <@!714919805211377794>.

2020-06-20 18:56:30 UTC  


2020-06-20 18:56:36 UTC  

The Chicago mayor is my pfp on here lol

2020-06-20 18:56:46 UTC  

Oh lord haha

And the Minneapolis mayor looks like Justin Trudeau’s long lost brother

2020-06-20 18:56:55 UTC  

Eww god no

2020-06-20 18:57:06 UTC  

Jesus Christ, what is that monstrosity!?