Message from @Caramon Majere
Discord ID: 724456432011051070
These peeps are really finicky with memes Watch that video
Keep them in the proper channels
Its fucked up
There's only 27 meme boards to post in.
That video i posted is hollywood celebs talkin bout kids in a bad way
In like a VERY bad way
Its possible to use your words, kids.
I know but yall peeps be actin like we raped you family
We are protecting the server and keeping the "tism" to a minimum
People join discord servers just to have them nuked over stuff that they themselves posted.
It also makes it easier to follow the conversation for people who join in when its just text.
some people come in and post some nsfw when the mods arent looking, then delete it. some people just want the server to get deleted, especially with the way discord has swung recently
Its hard to catch them
and all it takes is a screenshot
We have logs from discord and the bot that track it. So we have a way to prevent such things
But yes, you are correct. @Caramon Majere
I hope that's enough.
I just don't understand all that techy gobbledy-gook.
Lol. Its enough.
I know i aint arguing wid that. But like y'know dont gotta be that stern
We all bros after all
this is epic
Bros don't step on each other's toes.
jus saiyan
i looked her nasty ass up
Rip your eyes
My condolence
Trigglypuff is worse.
I survived her.
My eyes still havnt recovered from 2 girls one cup in 2009
yeah, that was disgusting. I bailed as soon as they started the coprophagia
Sir iron is back
Where do I do that test