Message from @Wardog

Discord ID: 725881786717962241

2020-06-26 01:11:21 UTC  

man, i dont even want to try to guess

2020-06-26 01:11:27 UTC  

30% at most

2020-06-26 01:11:45 UTC  

Exactly, which is why I think Trump wouldn't play that close to a chance.

2020-06-26 01:11:47 UTC  

the black people that loved him back them love him now, but a lot of the idiots have really been captured by this whole "police bad" and "white people need to kneel" shit

2020-06-26 01:12:04 UTC  

I believe he's going to pardon Stone before the election if his mistrial isn't recognized.

2020-06-26 01:12:21 UTC  

time will tell

2020-06-26 01:12:35 UTC  

i cant really speak on that, because i dont really know anything about Stone and this trial youre talking about

2020-06-26 01:12:45 UTC  

@Alinpass (INFJ-T) a 15% black vote would be enough to win the election by a landslide.

2020-06-26 01:12:54 UTC  

its a swamp attack

2020-06-26 01:13:15 UTC  

I said I think Trump will win

2020-06-26 01:13:20 UTC  

oh, i think hes definitely going to have a landslide. so many people are enthusiastic for trump, and a lot of people are losing faith in Senile Biden.

2020-06-26 01:13:55 UTC  

I still wonder if Crowmo will be a dark horse

2020-06-26 01:14:20 UTC  

I'm confident he'll win, but idk about by a landslide because I KNOW the Dems are going to cheat vote. Fake votes, double voting, illegal alien voting, dead people voting etc. etc.

2020-06-26 01:14:30 UTC  

ohhhh yeah

2020-06-26 01:14:32 UTC  

i keep saying that

2020-06-26 01:14:38 UTC  

if he ran in August hed be a real problem for Trump

2020-06-26 01:14:43 UTC  

but thats why he keeps pushing "do not mail in your ballots"

2020-06-26 01:14:50 UTC  

If there's anything that I truly fear with the election, is voter fraud.

2020-06-26 01:14:59 UTC  

they did that and we still won

2020-06-26 01:15:00 UTC  

just like 2016

2020-06-26 01:15:04 UTC  

there was a lot back then too

2020-06-26 01:15:08 UTC  

now theyre extra desperate

2020-06-26 01:15:13 UTC  

you know its going to be pushed even harder

2020-06-26 01:15:34 UTC  

@Alinpass (INFJ-T) yeah, with the 2 million Cali fraud votes

2020-06-26 01:15:35 UTC  

I still wonder if Obama really won his second term

2020-06-26 01:16:14 UTC  

ive met more people (in a swing state by the way that went Red for Trump) that support Obama, than those that dont.

2020-06-26 01:16:20 UTC  

well we know that 3M of Hillary votes were illegal aliens

2020-06-26 01:16:31 UTC  

@Alinpass (INFJ-T) He did unfortunately, but not for any kind of voter fraud. It was because Mitt Romney sold out. He up and disappeared 2 weeks before the election and hid somewhere.

2020-06-26 01:16:51 UTC  

I did not vote in 2012 because when he did this I immediately smelled a rat

2020-06-26 01:16:57 UTC  

My intuition was correct.

2020-06-26 01:17:06 UTC  

fuck Romney. kneeling for BLM, saying white America needs to kneel too, and now hes marching with BLM crowds. piece of shit.

2020-06-26 01:17:16 UTC  

glad he let his true colors show

2020-06-26 01:17:23 UTC  

proof the swamp is deep

2020-06-26 01:17:29 UTC  

The Republican ballot was so bare because so many had suspected this due to Romney just vanishing

2020-06-26 01:17:34 UTC  

while that's true there are alot of similarities between the 2012 and 2016 elections

2020-06-26 01:17:48 UTC  

Not any that I know of

2020-06-26 01:17:51 UTC  

What similarities?

2020-06-26 01:18:03 UTC  

^ i dont follow either

2020-06-26 01:18:22 UTC  

hold on let me pull up my info

2020-06-26 01:19:26 UTC  

take your time, no rush

2020-06-26 01:19:34 UTC  

anyone here watching the Crowder stream still?