Message from @Jaybirddays
Discord ID: 726102909066149909
What do you consider to be God's country?
WHeN wAs amERiCa GReAt? it WaS nEVEr greAt!!!
If the US crumbles under its own wait I will just volunteer in the Israeli guard
Fuck yeah
Shit... what would Isreal do without support from the US? @Jay Rod
One of the best movies ever
From what I understand they have a pretty good military
Paid for by the usa
They would survive somehow its in the book of revelations
Israel will be the last kingdom on Earth
Dammit man, don't talk like that mr. Armageddon
You've been watching some World War Z haven't you
Isreal is in the middle east.
The middle east will be the first (or 2nd) place nuked.
Isreal will become a giant green sheet of glass
yk the US should just classify all our nukes as Israeli owned so we dont gotta tell the world how much we have
End story
@[TDE] Smokie are you Tyler? Just curious
No it's Skylar!
oh lmao
Anyone watch Crowders live stream yesterday?
I watched some of his videos here and there he's something else, he's another one that I like his opinion
He's got balls, I like balls
i just think its funny that they rented Raz's apartment and told him it was New Chaz until they left cause angry antifa people were coming
And that is another team America reference, the only balls I like are my own
I really can't believe the s*** people are getting away with right now
yeah its sad
What you do in life echoes in eternity
honestly i live in the most suburban upper middle class out of the way town that nobody really gives a shit about world problems
we say in school we live in "the bubble"
Must be nice, I used to live like that when I was younger
yeah facts tho there are some looneys we just brush aside
but im going to college this summer so itll all change
That's one of the biggest problems we got in America, mental conditions that don't get addressed or looked at until something bad happens
yeah facts