Message from @Alinpass (INFJ-T)

Discord ID: 727227147789533307

2020-06-29 18:11:32 UTC  

over all the intelligence agencies present

2020-06-29 18:11:40 UTC  


2020-06-29 18:11:43 UTC  

Because troop positions are something thats too valuable to place in the hands of a politician

2020-06-29 18:11:56 UTC  

Maybe Hiliary emailed them

2020-06-29 18:12:04 UTC  

Man how can they believe this lmao

2020-06-29 18:12:38 UTC  

Welcome, @Punch Me Daddy.

2020-06-29 18:18:39 UTC  

Welcome, <@!534130792469889037>.

2020-06-29 18:18:39 UTC  

Welcome, @KozakBlyat✠.

2020-06-29 18:18:55 UTC  

was the subreddit deleted

2020-06-29 18:18:56 UTC  

Welcome new guys

2020-06-29 18:18:59 UTC  


2020-06-29 18:19:03 UTC  

pinned messages guys, and welcome!

2020-06-29 18:19:06 UTC  

I think so

2020-06-29 18:19:22 UTC  

reddit is trash

2020-06-29 18:19:28 UTC  

It is

2020-06-29 18:19:28 UTC  

no freer speech

2020-06-29 18:19:35 UTC  

please be sure to check <#719770967542333442> as well, have fun, and post your memes in the designated meme channels. Only memes posted in there are considered for meme of the week

2020-06-29 18:19:39 UTC  

they banned consume product

2020-06-29 18:19:48 UTC  

and yeah, reddit does suck, but Zed was trying to change that.... and sadly it didnt work so well.

2020-06-29 18:20:04 UTC  


2020-06-29 18:21:03 UTC  

there's no fixing reddit

2020-06-29 18:26:37 UTC  


2020-06-29 18:26:43 UTC  

Bro just go on pikabu

2020-06-29 18:26:51 UTC  

Damn when did the subreddit get taken down?

2020-06-29 18:28:22 UTC  

Reddit is trash

2020-06-29 18:28:33 UTC  

Hence y I dont use it

2020-06-29 18:29:03 UTC  

🚓🚓🚓🚔🚔🚔🚓🚓🚓🚓🚔🚔🚔 police lives matter

2020-06-29 18:29:26 UTC  

That's why I thank every cop I see at my job

2020-06-29 18:30:01 UTC  

Boys in blue

2020-06-29 18:30:43 UTC  


2020-06-29 18:31:17 UTC  


2020-06-29 18:31:42 UTC  

Proud to be an American

2020-06-29 18:32:05 UTC  

At least I know I'm free

2020-06-29 18:34:48 UTC  

Welcome, <@!727230562334408754>.

2020-06-29 18:39:29 UTC  

For the love of Zed, wtf is up with the reddit?

2020-06-29 18:40:02 UTC  

Reddit has gone down the drain dude

2020-06-29 18:40:16 UTC  

Its t r a s h

2020-06-29 18:41:01 UTC  

Welcome, @Gringoloco.

2020-06-29 18:42:00 UTC  

Tf? We're barely even shitposters. This is the shit that makes me kind of regret serving. People can say "kill whitey" and get press coverage, a few randos online (no offense) point out hypocrisy and get purged from a forum?

2020-06-29 18:42:33 UTC  

Kiddie diddlers get treated better than the ones that revere freedom over "bad speak"

2020-06-29 18:44:02 UTC  

If these places are run by liberals what do ya expect