Message from @Froski
Discord ID: 753942763170430997
For some reason, I see alot of Delaware Trump supporters.
> For some reason, I see alot of Delaware Trump supporters.
@Rocci The more the merrier.
Maybe if Trump campaigns in Wilmington, Delaware.
<:fuckyou:752534647027531827> <:fucku:752881024551354378>
More like sad 9/11
eh, as far as happy goes, its an odd day for myself and thousands of others who share their d.o.b. with this act of terrorism. It always feels wrong to try and be happy, on a day where nearly three thousand people died, Never Forget.
What's been happening
Don't forget Biden supporters love terrorists
As a Generation Z who has only known life post 9/11/01 i was born /02 such a tragedy needs to be taught in school about the horriffic act that had occured on american soil. So many recent events that have occured are not being taught, they are learned through research on people's own accord.
i wish we have some liberals and democrats so we can have a debate.
it's kinda boring if anyone always agrees with you.
@HarleyQuinn i desperately want that too but they have the mentality of im right your wrong which is frustrating to say the least.
In all fairness last time a democrat was a here someone told them they'll show up at their house to show a real murder
And mods didn't say anything about it
So maybe not here
Most of the leftist we've had join here end up trying to troll the server and not actually debating.
That is genuinely sad@Riddle
@Riddle that was a pretty obvious joke, if you read the context, which we did.
> And mods didn't say anything about it
@Riddle this is the saddest shit if it was true.
speaking of disagreement
I just disagree that it wasn't funny nor appropriate
i have lots of things in my person that a common republican might disagree.
one of which is that I'm pro-abortion despite being pro-life.
Nobody said it was funny. But we aren't going to ban someone, like Jaii wanted, because someone made a bad joke in poor taste.
Not ban
Jai was calling for a ban.
Well duh everyone was rallying against him
well a warning sure is called for at least.
Another sad thing is that most people overseas in those countries only know as 9/11/01 as the date that their lives were ruined.
I'd react the same way in a liberal server if they all did that
I wasn’t alive during 9/11 so I never remembered it
@Sgt.Jeffry United States Enclave every single bad thing that happened in the past should stay in the pass.
you should not bring forth grief when it is not needed.