Message from @SubtleSara
Discord ID: 765010084555522079
next to a poll
Yep, that too
I can’t believe no one’s talking about that 💀
Biden is projected to lose.
It sucks that the moderators are clearly democratic
Yeah lol
I feel compelled to follow server rules, or I'd have posted everything I found today already. lol
Me after the elections will be like Guns 'N Roses
You can still do that but in the channel <#720450552416305254>. @SubtleSara
Yeah, too many channels for my taste, conversations ebb and flow, where they end up, nobody knows.
"silver spoon in hand"
I do appreciate the 16 meme channels though, that's a plus.
How much are giant spoons worth
That seems awfully cheap to me
I like it
"*Umm so, I found a 4ft tall wine glass at Costco*"
Yeah those might run a little more like $80
I had a great idea to suggest at guns chat
Oooo guns chat
Agh can't find it, too many channels.
They rebuilt the og gundam
I'd rather them destroy the unicorn
And nt as a whole
whos the chad in this image
mmmm trumpets go brrrr
biden cant even walk right
You know until this passed week I thought Keith Oberman was dead
A online friend is making a anti dnc website and YouTube channel
It's a anti dnc version of the Lincoln project and republican voters against trump
trump got that dump truck :0
I'm going to school tomorrow in person
I'm gonna pull an all nighter with my 3ds
I have no school tomorrow