Discord ID: 767205235432882227

2020-10-18 01:56:20 UTC  

I know

2020-10-18 01:56:28 UTC  

I've been on servers where I've had to explain why gun control is a shitty idea

2020-10-18 01:56:34 UTC  

jerpeau supports the cops that killed floyd

2020-10-18 01:56:35 UTC  


2020-10-18 01:56:44 UTC  

There comes a time, when a joke becomes strung out too far, spread to thin, all the flavor of it is gone. When a joke has been run for mroe than ***2 months*** it gets old, it gets tiring and it gets annoying

2020-10-18 01:56:49 UTC  


2020-10-18 01:56:56 UTC  

and this joke would be Jimmy

2020-10-18 01:57:15 UTC  

where, where am I?

2020-10-18 01:57:19 UTC  

hmm maybe he isn't trolling but convinced us that he was so we wouldn't kick him?

2020-10-18 01:57:40 UTC  

And there he goes. “Where am I?” when busted

2020-10-18 01:57:52 UTC  


2020-10-18 01:58:37 UTC  

what do you think is the best way to solve the drug problem because banning them doesnt stop determined addicts but making them legal makes more people prone to addiction

2020-10-18 01:58:42 UTC  


2020-10-18 01:58:46 UTC  

do what they did in portugal

2020-10-18 01:58:50 UTC  

legalize all drugs

2020-10-18 01:59:10 UTC  


2020-10-18 01:59:17 UTC  

the gop has been using me as a punching bag for months

2020-10-18 01:59:22 UTC  

I do not see that solving anything, if not, just making it worse

2020-10-18 01:59:23 UTC  

and where have the polls gone for me

2020-10-18 01:59:24 UTC  


2020-10-18 01:59:42 UTC  

@its_Jimmy using you as a punching bag? my my, my interest has PEAKED

2020-10-18 01:59:46 UTC  

for me im up double digits nationally

2020-10-18 02:00:16 UTC  


2020-10-18 02:00:20 UTC  


2020-10-18 02:00:24 UTC  

@米饭和面条 it will stop the black market because theres no incentiv but people who just might wanna try drugs bc its legal might get addicted

2020-10-18 02:00:28 UTC  

.warn <@!610164973624098816> random image

2020-10-18 02:00:29 UTC  

2020-10-18 02:00:52 UTC  

along with that rule 6, but hit enter too fast

2020-10-18 02:01:03 UTC  

I don't want drugs like heroin and opium to be sold at supermarkets. I'm for legalization but not letting everyone get cheap drugs.

2020-10-18 02:01:12 UTC  

Regulation is something we need for drugs.

2020-10-18 02:01:15 UTC  

@its_Jimmy can ya give us a minute, we can't type and entire message out in 1 second

2020-10-18 02:01:30 UTC  


2020-10-18 02:01:48 UTC  

no random videos

2020-10-18 02:01:49 UTC  


2020-10-18 02:02:03 UTC  

That video is perfectly relevant.

2020-10-18 02:02:15 UTC  

nah, they were talking about drug

2020-10-18 02:02:17 UTC  

cimputer needs to restart

2020-10-18 02:02:20 UTC  

aslo im not talking about crimes related to drugs or ODs
because some drugs are inherently bad for the body we should want to lower the amount of people using drugs too, not just the crimes or ODs stemming from it

2020-10-18 02:02:52 UTC  

I just got here. What's the topic of the evening?

2020-10-18 02:03:03 UTC  

@kyzercube how to stop drugs