Message from @Wardog

Discord ID: 767493185185775636

2020-10-18 21:00:59 UTC  

hi Memologist

2020-10-18 21:01:05 UTC  

someone must have copied it and posted it somewhere elese

2020-10-18 21:01:06 UTC  

hi rainy

2020-10-18 21:01:06 UTC  

so explain why one is demonized instead of the other?

2020-10-18 21:01:18 UTC  

> @corny🌽🌽 if in doubt, try <#720450552416305254>
@Wardog Gratias

2020-10-18 21:01:19 UTC  

because of corporate propaganda

2020-10-18 21:02:02 UTC  

War on Weed was financed by western corporations to fight the proliferation of an alternative "super textile" that would ruin the cotton and polyesther economy

2020-10-18 21:02:04 UTC  


2020-10-18 21:02:05 UTC  

How would joe bidens "covid plan" differ from what trump did

2020-10-18 21:02:25 UTC  

Hemp is probably the best and most sustainable textile there is

2020-10-18 21:02:29 UTC  

cheap and efficient

2020-10-18 21:02:39 UTC  

@DirtyBird it would involve more hair

2020-10-18 21:02:48 UTC  

it wasn't the plant's properties that scared the corporations: it was its super efficiency

2020-10-18 21:02:55 UTC  

ah yes, hair

2020-10-18 21:03:18 UTC  

much like petrol and oil corporations are fighting against electric cars: to keep their hegemony

2020-10-18 21:03:23 UTC  

Is the last debate actually going to happen, i just saw an ad for it on fox

2020-10-18 21:03:27 UTC  

corporations will demonize their concurrence

2020-10-18 21:03:32 UTC  


2020-10-18 21:03:38 UTC  

you see that with most big companies/things that see a potential dangerous rival. they arent just going to let their multi trillion dollar empires fall.

2020-10-18 21:03:44 UTC  


2020-10-18 21:03:54 UTC  

I mean, electric cars are cool and all, but theyre kind of shit right now

2020-10-18 21:04:06 UTC  

So my damn work VPN won't connect on Sundays.

2020-10-18 21:04:11 UTC  

in the 50's war on weed was seen as a control method to retain mainstream textiles over hemp

2020-10-18 21:04:13 UTC  

and you still need a lot of fossil fuels/coal energy to power them... unless we were to switch over to something better.

2020-10-18 21:04:21 UTC  


2020-10-18 21:04:25 UTC  

they suck big time

2020-10-18 21:04:31 UTC  

but they are the future

2020-10-18 21:04:36 UTC  

another reason to advocate for nuclear.

2020-10-18 21:04:39 UTC  


2020-10-18 21:04:46 UTC  

or even hemp fuel.

2020-10-18 21:04:54 UTC  

thats a bit more short term than nuclear

2020-10-18 21:05:02 UTC  

Corvega running on Atomic energy: Not Fallout foreshadowing AT ALL 🙂

2020-10-18 21:05:19 UTC  

I tried for an hour to connect and it wouldn't and the IT guy says it is my upload speed

2020-10-18 21:05:20 UTC  

nuclear is the future, and having something better immediately to facilitate the switch into would be great.

2020-10-18 21:05:46 UTC  

Nuclear is problematic in the optic it's a very radioactive poisoned material

2020-10-18 21:05:53 UTC  

I have no problem connecting Monday thru Saturday

2020-10-18 21:05:55 UTC  

not easily manipulated

2020-10-18 21:06:01 UTC  

But it won't connect on Sundays

2020-10-18 21:06:17 UTC  

yeah, theres risk with everything, but nuclear is relatively safe

2020-10-18 21:06:32 UTC  

Nuclear is very energy efficient but comes at a very expensive price: nuclear waste

2020-10-18 21:06:47 UTC  

The only thing that bothers me about nuclear is a plant having a meltdown