Message from @AutisticOtaku789
Discord ID: 768791486027792395
Are you suggesting people who aren’t American to not save money?
That’s not very inclusive of you.
>Trillions in debt as country
>save money
$27 trillion in debt, 137% of the economy...
what's the point?
Everyone's in debt
2010: banks too big to fail 2020: the U.S is too big to fail
2030: Cryptocurrency is implemented via neurochips
the debt is literally 137% of the economy
in 2000 it was 55%, which was already kinda bad enough
Who does the US have debt with
Just so I understand a bit
a lot of foreign banks, china and japan
Why Japan
how the hell would i know?
you're the one with the charts
Is there any country that has successfully gotten rid of the debt?
omfg , the chart doesn't show the countries the US owes money to
I mean.. I’d think you would be able to pull some up.
if it was shown, i wouldn't be saying that i don't know lol
It's totally the body pillows
Contrary to popular belief, we are not all weebs bro
So, every country is in debt?
Because Japan used to basically be China in the 1970's 1980's
everyone got their stuff from japan back then
And anime figures too
I knew it
Japan will take over the world by turning everyone into weebs
looks like there's a correlation with BEING IN DEBT, and still maintaining a stable country
every country is in debt lol
some higher than others