Message from @Solaris

Discord ID: 770508972552618004

2020-10-27 04:44:30 UTC  

Cant wait for the left to remove my claymore rigged trump sign I got cams and everything I'll share the video

2020-10-27 04:44:35 UTC  

> @JoeMama no one of my friends is Muslim. One thing I hate is people who come here here hating this country though. I have to ask why they're here. Idc what race you are you should love this country coming here.
@SRW honestly there's nothing wrong with pointing out the bad things bout it...but you should work on fixing it don't just talk and do no action....u should never hate the land ur living in tbh

2020-10-27 04:44:52 UTC  

@Drayko 191cm oh i agree. If upstate and NYC separate nys would be split equally and upstate could then vote red and nyc can keep their toxic stuff there while we wouldn't have to suffer through it. Then we can power our niagara falls to Rochester, Buffalo and Syracuse.

2020-10-27 04:44:52 UTC  

To bad we cant revolk citizenships to people who come to American and turn around to destroy it

2020-10-27 04:45:22 UTC  

> @Drayko 191cm oh i agree. If upstate and NYC separate nys would be split equally and upstate could then vote red and nyc can keep their toxic stuff there while we wouldn't have to suffer through it. Then we can power our niagara falls to Rochester, Buffalo and Syracuse.
@SRW hell yeah

2020-10-27 04:45:25 UTC  

@Knives0010 Shut up you racist nazi

2020-10-27 04:45:47 UTC  

@Knives0010 that's what is happening to Europe

2020-10-27 04:45:48 UTC  
2020-10-27 04:45:49 UTC  

What are you guys in the military gonna do if the left tries to use the military to ignite a coup to take trump out of office once he wins in November

2020-10-27 04:46:01 UTC  

@Knives0010 bruh chill it's a joke

2020-10-27 04:46:08 UTC  

Don’t fuck with a Jew

2020-10-27 04:46:09 UTC  

@Drayko 191cm that's awesome i love snakes too just haye spiders but you get those anywhere.

2020-10-27 04:46:10 UTC  

> The first crusade happened to push the invading Muslims out of Europe because they were invading and raping people who did not convert
@Knives0010 bruh those lefties don't know anything bout the real islam i always have to tell them I'm an arab....the hypocrisy man u wanna know the painful truth? ISIS are the real muslims they do exactly what Mohammed did

2020-10-27 04:46:34 UTC  

> @Drayko 191cm that's awesome i love snakes too just haye spiders but you get those anywhere.
@SRW spiders are a love and hate thing for me

2020-10-27 04:46:36 UTC  

@Knives0010 Oh I live near dragon man I know not to mess with a jew

2020-10-27 04:46:38 UTC  

I think Mohammed went crazy and angry near the end of his book

2020-10-27 04:46:48 UTC  

> What are you guys in the military gonna do if the left tries to use the military to ignite a coup to take trump out of office once he wins in November
Idk how much we can do tbh , disobeying is treason and is punishable by execution

2020-10-27 04:47:15 UTC  

Should rename "Niagara Falls" to a more appropriate African American Falls?

2020-10-27 04:47:15 UTC  

Id try and use our bill of rights but everythings corrupt

2020-10-27 04:47:22 UTC  

@Drayko 191cm what do you mean love and hate lol?

2020-10-27 04:47:34 UTC  

<@546954956012388362>. You mean dragonmans ranch?

2020-10-27 04:47:53 UTC  

@KingZapapple I was just curious. That’s dabbling into conspiracy theory so I won’t digress

2020-10-27 04:47:57 UTC  

> @Drayko 191cm what do you mean love and hate lol?
@SRW they intrigue me and I hate how they look

2020-10-27 04:48:02 UTC  

I will stand with the sitting president. If They try to throw a military coup i am not above turning my weapon on comrades who betray the election

2020-10-27 04:48:16 UTC  

@JDButAPilot🇺🇸 well all the native Americans here i don't think would like that. The ghetto here is already getting a road named BLM way. They can have it lmao

2020-10-27 04:48:35 UTC  

@Knives0010 my hubby's callsign was Dragonman at the SEALS

2020-10-27 04:48:43 UTC  

> @KingZapapple I was just curious. That’s dabbling into conspiracy theory so I won’t digress
Since im getting TS clearance ill find out i guess but i wont be able to tell anyone which kinda sucks and defeats the purpose

2020-10-27 04:48:44 UTC  

@SRW bruh what?

2020-10-27 04:49:24 UTC  

@Drayko 191cm I'm nervous not knowing which ones will kill me and which ones are harmless but they're cool to look at definitely just don't like them loose im my house. My cat loose in my house is nuts enough. I don't need a spider trying to kill me im my sleep. 😂

2020-10-27 04:49:27 UTC  

> I will stand with the sitting president. If They try to throw a military coup i am not above turning my weapon on comrades who betray the election
That is true, we do swear our allegiance to the president

2020-10-27 04:49:41 UTC  

@JDButAPilot🇺🇸 yes want me to send you the link?

2020-10-27 04:49:47 UTC  

@SRW sure

2020-10-27 04:49:55 UTC  

The better question is
What if joe biden uses that power if he becomes president

2020-10-27 04:50:07 UTC  

> I think Mohammed went crazy and angry near the end of his book
@Knives0010 yeah facts... they're trying to hide everything he did because that'll ruin their reputation...islam was never bout peace but now it is because they had to change the rules so that they can fit in with society, I don't support Killing Muslims because that's just evil but i also believe in safety for the ppl who live in those radical places

2020-10-27 04:50:08 UTC  

Than thats where things get dicey

2020-10-27 04:50:20 UTC  

> @Drayko 191cm I'm nervous not knowing which ones will kill me and which ones are harmless but they're cool to look at definitely just don't like them loose im my house. My cat loose in my house is nuts enough. I don't need a spider trying to kill me im my sleep. 😂
@SRW speaking of sleep imma sleep but if you wanna chat more I'll add you anytime

2020-10-27 04:50:33 UTC  

Guys theres a truck near me that has trump flags and everything and it has the plate number BLM666 hes playing 4d chess

2020-10-27 04:50:35 UTC  

@KingZapapple I’m honestly not too worried about what will happen after the election. I think all the fear mongering is just creating more people to think of more scenarios that just perpetuate that fear. I don’t think the military would betray the president just because it’s Trump

2020-10-27 04:50:41 UTC  

@JDButAPilot🇺🇸 I sent you it or want me to share it here?

2020-10-27 04:50:45 UTC  

If Joe Biden is elected I will sadly accept him as president even though it will spell the end of my military career and possibly jail time

2020-10-27 04:51:00 UTC  

A military coup