Message from @Rocci

Discord ID: 771129870091812865

2020-10-28 21:51:04 UTC  

Oh I fell that it annoys the shit outta me

2020-10-28 21:51:18 UTC  

> The liberals are slowly making me closed-minded
@hyliandragon hows that work?

2020-10-28 21:51:19 UTC  

Cus im home schooled

2020-10-28 21:51:37 UTC  

it pains me to see random ads and websites saying things like "please just vote" and "do your solemn duty and vote"

2020-10-28 21:51:40 UTC  

Politics is annoying when it seeps into anything that doesn't need politics. :/

2020-10-28 21:51:42 UTC  

@Jedi same

2020-10-28 21:51:54 UTC  

They tell me my sources aren't credible in the most condescending tone they can muster

2020-10-28 21:52:02 UTC  

> @Jedi same
@C0rNfUz3d nice

2020-10-28 21:52:14 UTC  

> it pains me to see random ads and website saying things like "please just vote" and "do your solemn duty and vote"
@C0rNfUz3d the NFL has the go vote campaign and it’s fine to me tbh they don’t put bias into the ads and legit just want you to vote

2020-10-28 21:52:29 UTC  

If social media was being honest all you have to do is look up Biden and it should say everything he says is mostly false

2020-10-28 21:52:38 UTC  

its good that there is no bias i just dont want to see it all the time

2020-10-28 21:52:41 UTC  

> Politics is annoying when it seeps into anything that doesn't need politics. :/
@Rocci oh yeah, it completely disconnects me when non political stuff gets politicized

2020-10-28 21:52:45 UTC  

kinda just implicit complaining XD

2020-10-28 21:53:08 UTC  

it's not just that reddit is biased towards the left, most of the popular subreddits are controlled by the same in group of admins, and they abuse their authority to censor the multiple sub reddits they moderate. And if a community won't let them join and says things they don't like, they either try to take it over or organize mass reporting

2020-10-28 21:53:11 UTC  

> its good that there is no bias i just dont want to see it all the time
@C0rNfUz3d the NFL only has those ads during the games and on NFL network so it’s fine

2020-10-28 21:53:54 UTC  

Everything fun is controlled by liberals and has a giant liberal fan base

2020-10-28 21:54:03 UTC  

Like Red dead redemption2

2020-10-28 21:54:14 UTC  

I don’t see why a liberal fan base is bad

2020-10-28 21:54:25 UTC  

Like how do people’s opinions ruin your enjoyment of a game?

2020-10-28 21:54:38 UTC  

Steven Universe would be a good example

2020-10-28 21:54:47 UTC  

It's the same as Reddit if you know what I mean. 😉 @ToxicTransgender

2020-10-28 21:55:01 UTC  

> I don’t see why a liberal fan base is bad
@ToxicTransgender if they find out your conservative they’ll go on a witch hunt

2020-10-28 21:55:04 UTC  

It was a pretty decent/good show until liberal fans went full send on it

2020-10-28 21:55:24 UTC  

My fandom used to pride itself on being open and inclusive. Now due to that reputation it attracted SJW's, and when they took it over they became intolerant and hateful of wrongthink. Kinda crappy because normal people hate the fandom, and now the fandom itself hates me because i'm not an SJW

2020-10-28 21:55:24 UTC  

> It's the same as Reddit if you know what I mean. 😉 @ToxicTransgender
@Rocci I mean not really tho, on Reddit anyone can post, on rdr2 only devs control that shit

2020-10-28 21:55:29 UTC  

So was Star Wars until the very last installment (of the trilogy)

2020-10-28 21:55:31 UTC  

German politics are not much better either. That bitch Anglo Murkle or what I like to call German Hillary brought in a bunch of Muslim refugees and when people started complaining about it she said “we do not have the moral authority to turn down people in need” so she is pretty much blaming the Jews and the Holocaust for the reason why she is putting Muslims and refugees before her own people even though During WWII the Nazis and Hitler were extremely friendly to Muslims including having a few fill the ranks of the SS

2020-10-28 21:55:37 UTC  
2020-10-28 21:55:58 UTC  

I’ve gotten banned form 5 game servers because they found out I was a conservative

2020-10-28 21:56:00 UTC  

Reddit can't even identify the right guy as a bomber... I'm more worried about 4chan coming at me

2020-10-28 21:56:02 UTC  

he who is who he is

2020-10-28 21:56:03 UTC  

> @ToxicTransgender if they find out your conservative they’ll go on a witch hunt
@Shadow town how do politics even come up in a game about Wild West Cowboys?

2020-10-28 21:56:03 UTC  

Anyone can post but most of the people will constantly attack you and downvote.

2020-10-28 21:56:28 UTC  

Prety much

2020-10-28 21:56:33 UTC  

@hyliandragon this channel does a great job at calling companies out on their entertainment bs:

2020-10-28 21:56:35 UTC  

Twitter is kind of a hell hole where you don't want to go.

2020-10-28 21:56:36 UTC  

I've stopped posting anywhere

2020-10-28 21:56:45 UTC  

The first thing I say when I go into a game server is MAGA if they kick me fuck em if they keep me the we cool

2020-10-28 21:56:50 UTC  

Liberals will demonize you and reject you if they find out you have a different opinion, even if what you do with them has nothing to do with politics.

2020-10-28 21:56:53 UTC  

> Anyone can post but most of the people will constantly attack you and downvote.
@Rocci that’s kind of the point of a downvote tho, if you disagree you downvote. I agree that most voices should be heard but at this point it’s just going against the whole point of the platform

2020-10-28 21:56:59 UTC  

It doesn’t they just know somehow