Message from @PROPHET

Discord ID: 771837427265962015

2020-10-30 20:43:24 UTC  

heya, sorry to interrupt, but does anyone have a link to the 2nd debate map that was used in the "All 50 States dub Trump Winner of 2nd Debate" video?
I'm having difficulty finding it on my own.

2020-10-30 20:43:45 UTC  

> @Lady Perpetual Exemption I don’t want a government having any control over decisions that should be between me and my doctor. Period. End of story.
Uh... okay? Your doctor has nothing to do with insurance. The reality is that most people don't even have a choice since their health care is based off what they get from work

2020-10-30 20:43:47 UTC  

i'm about to just start telling people that tell me to wear a mask "you're not my doctor"

2020-10-30 20:43:52 UTC  

Sorry, I don’t.

2020-10-30 20:43:52 UTC  

have u heard of the word if

2020-10-30 20:43:55 UTC  


2020-10-30 20:44:18 UTC  

gas station cashier? not my doctor.

2020-10-30 20:44:30 UTC  

random lady on the street? not my doctor

2020-10-30 20:44:33 UTC  

@Xioz thank you. do you happen to know who I can pester on here for it?

2020-10-30 20:44:49 UTC  

Neo-every ideology is just dumb.

2020-10-30 20:45:04 UTC  

I’m a memeologist

2020-10-30 20:45:05 UTC  

> i'm about to just start telling people that tell me to wear a mask "you're not my doctor"
And you're the reason I cannot work

2020-10-30 20:45:09 UTC  

> BLM is a domestic terrorist organization funded by George Sorros.
@Xioz And Bil Gattes!

2020-10-30 20:45:10 UTC  

hey people who say my body my choice when it comes to masks

2020-10-30 20:45:28 UTC  

> hey people who say my body my choice when it comes to masks
@PROPHET Free-thinkers?

2020-10-30 20:45:42 UTC  

> Uh... okay? Your doctor has nothing to do with insurance. The reality is that most people don't even have a choice since their health care is based off what they get from insurance
@Lady Perpetual Exemption Government controls insurance > Government controls what gets covered > No longer a decision between me and my doctor.

2020-10-30 20:46:02 UTC  

since u agree with the premise of my body my choice

2020-10-30 20:46:10 UTC  

whats ur problem with the dead babies

2020-10-30 20:46:14 UTC  


2020-10-30 20:46:16 UTC  

a tad hipocrititcal

2020-10-30 20:46:22 UTC  

just a joke

2020-10-30 20:46:25 UTC  

but think about it tho

2020-10-30 20:46:29 UTC  

im not exactly wrong

2020-10-30 20:46:32 UTC  

> @Lady Perpetual Exemption Government controls insurance > Government controls what gets covered > No longer a decision between me and my doctor.
It's not a decision between you and your doctor at all though. They can prescribe you stuff, but it's still up to you insurance to cover it

2020-10-30 20:46:40 UTC  

I literally live that siuation

2020-10-30 20:46:44 UTC  

"my body my choice" vs "i kill somebody else"

2020-10-30 20:46:54 UTC  

Babies don’t choose to be murdered.

2020-10-30 20:47:13 UTC  

> Babies don’t choose to be murdered.
@Xioz neither do the people u harm by not wearing a mask

2020-10-30 20:47:15 UTC  


2020-10-30 20:47:18 UTC  

I think the "i kill somebody else" thing is a bit paranoid.

2020-10-30 20:47:22 UTC  

bro about abortion it isn't ur body come on

2020-10-30 20:47:28 UTC  

if you don't like it don't do it

2020-10-30 20:47:30 UTC  

it is tho

2020-10-30 20:47:31 UTC  

not a hard concept

2020-10-30 20:47:35 UTC  

except it's not

2020-10-30 20:47:36 UTC  

Have y’all ever wondered Why feminists don’t talk or advocate for the misogyny and unfairness in Islam culture??

2020-10-30 20:47:36 UTC  

I'm killing someone from wearing a piece of cloth? Come on man!

2020-10-30 20:47:37 UTC  

its literally a thing in ur body

2020-10-30 20:47:45 UTC  

not urs tho

2020-10-30 20:47:49 UTC  

not ur problem

2020-10-30 20:47:53 UTC  

> It's not a decision between you and your doctor at all though. They can prescribe you stuff, but it's still up to you insurance to cover it
@Lady Perpetual Exemption yes but the point he’s making is that public healthcare almost eliminates insurance to the point where the government decides who gets treatment based of importance