Message from @TheStarshipReport

Discord ID: 772308342269935637

2020-11-01 03:55:46 UTC  


2020-11-01 03:55:53 UTC  

I just like trees

2020-11-01 03:56:00 UTC  


2020-11-01 03:56:02 UTC  

And critters

2020-11-01 03:56:07 UTC  

And mountains

2020-11-01 03:56:11 UTC  

And whatnot

2020-11-01 03:56:12 UTC  

ive killed both of those

2020-11-01 03:56:17 UTC  

Dont u have wood in your house tho

2020-11-01 03:56:19 UTC  

If I do go into the military I want that job where I don't knowingly kill peo

2020-11-01 03:56:22 UTC  


2020-11-01 03:56:23 UTC  

Fuck you got me

2020-11-01 03:56:34 UTC  

Brb gotta build a house out of rocks

2020-11-01 03:56:42 UTC  


2020-11-01 03:56:45 UTC  

> Brb gotta build a house out of rocks
Woah woah WOAH buddy

2020-11-01 03:56:49 UTC  

Im a rock hugger

2020-11-01 03:57:00 UTC  

i cant harm rocks so um

2020-11-01 03:57:12 UTC  

Quitter talk

2020-11-01 03:57:15 UTC  

._. Techincally u can tho

2020-11-01 03:57:28 UTC  

maga hulk sure, me no

2020-11-01 03:57:29 UTC  

Harm doesnt nessesiarly mean pain or sentience

2020-11-01 03:57:37 UTC  

I was looking at photos of me from two years ago and I noticed I kind of looked like crowder

2020-11-01 03:57:38 UTC  

I once saw a guy try to eat a rock

2020-11-01 03:57:44 UTC  

I unironicly cannot hurt a fly

2020-11-01 03:57:53 UTC  

> I once saw a guy try to eat a rock
Stop exposing my talents

2020-11-01 03:57:59 UTC  

I feel like shit if i accidently kill some random bug for like 3 days after

2020-11-01 03:58:01 UTC  

i can hurt a deer but a fly is my worst enemy

2020-11-01 03:58:08 UTC  

But I have the body of boogie2988

2020-11-01 03:58:16 UTC  

It didn't go as he had planned to go

2020-11-01 03:58:32 UTC  

Everytime i see a fly i try and catch it in the air to improve my reflexes

2020-11-01 03:58:40 UTC  

They akways go squish tho...

2020-11-01 03:58:53 UTC  

I hit a deer in my truck a few months ago and i cried :((((((

2020-11-01 03:58:58 UTC  

Completely destroyed his teeth and rip his intestines

2020-11-01 03:59:02 UTC  

Poor deer

2020-11-01 03:59:08 UTC  

Its only when a fly lands on a mans balls when he realises that violence isnt always the answer😂

2020-11-01 03:59:19 UTC  

I hope u forgive me in deer heaven

2020-11-01 03:59:33 UTC  

the deer i shot will never forgive me

2020-11-01 03:59:45 UTC  

Did you know our Appendix was a actually used as a rock sac for our ancestors when they ate meat and stuff That got rocks accudently in it

2020-11-01 03:59:55 UTC  

Mmmmm rocks

2020-11-01 04:00:02 UTC  

ooga booga rock good

2020-11-01 04:00:08 UTC  


2020-11-01 04:00:16 UTC  

Unmm I once threw a firecracker at deer once