Message from @KyrosTheWarrior
Discord ID: 772466023646494720
Trump initially closed all travel to China, and they called him xenophobic
The left has blamed Trump for *every* COVID death... They have lost their last brain cells
The swine flu had a 3-5% death rate but no one talks about it
> The left has blamed Trump for *every* COVID death... They have lost their last brain cells
@Calem Jaeger Trump can't just put the virus in people, can he?
imagine blaming someone for the spread of something microscopic, especially when he tried to close the borders
Didn't some politicians ironically bring COVID into the States?
Democrats be whack yo
That's what I vaguely remember, I'm not sure 100%
I was following the news **closely** back then
Any shared news article that makes democrats look bad has been deleted lol
Don't worry, it was TV news
especially the new york post hunter biden one
Back when the TV didn't sing the narrative that WHO and CCP wanted them to do
@Soceresy Don't post images out of context.
So the libertarian canadite jo Jorgensen wants to legalize all drugs is that like a libertarian belief?
did you guys see that creepy ass biden ad on youtube? "Joe biden will always be your friend"
i use adblocker so no, but it's prob bad
but trumps ads
on youtube
are just
> did you guys see that creepy ass biden ad on youtube? "Joe biden will always be your friend"
@JFCA Animus How can a politician be my friend? BIG LIE
Old Man Joe will *never* be my friend
Its like joe biden is advertising to children
A dude in a suit that sits in a bureaucratic house can't be my friend, he doesn't know me personally, he gives zero fucks about who I am and what I am
And I voted early, last week
thats what the left is, a bunch of grown children
> So the libertarian canadite jo Jorgensen wants to legalize all drugs is that like a libertarian belief?
@Zallis The Pokemon yeah, Libertarians are mostly like "as long as you don't harm me, do whatever, man."
> thats what the left is, a bunch of grown children
@JFCA Animus I think you mean “a bunch of man-children”.
right libertarians are pretty okay but left libertarians are bonko wanko
lmao antifia
Left libertarians 🤡
They don't go together too well
Collectivism cancels libertarianism