Message from @JFCA Animus

Discord ID: 772485477294932019

2020-11-01 15:39:39 UTC  


2020-11-01 15:39:47 UTC  

Michael obama dancing on ellen

2020-11-01 15:39:48 UTC  

Its why dudes shouldnt wear dresses while dancing around on a lesbians talk show @JFCA Animus

2020-11-01 15:39:56 UTC  

> remember when Michelle Obama said "all that for a damn flag" referring to the flag ceremony during her husbands FIRST inauguration.
@SnowWhite❄ It's not **just** a flag, it's **AMERICA'S FLAG**!

2020-11-01 15:39:59 UTC  

Hey ehh is general chat for politics only?

2020-11-01 15:40:11 UTC  

isn't she very popular though?

2020-11-01 15:40:13 UTC  

Yes we're talking the politicals of michael obama

2020-11-01 15:40:13 UTC  

General is for various vomit.

2020-11-01 15:40:15 UTC  

remember when obama said "My michael, i mean my michelle"

2020-11-01 15:40:18 UTC  

Okay thanks

2020-11-01 15:40:22 UTC  

Obama slept with two men and had one killed.

2020-11-01 15:40:35 UTC  

names please <:CrazyAOC:720122172470722570>

2020-11-01 15:40:44 UTC  

I full understand it @LuckyPuffy I am not sure if any of the Obama's do 🙂

2020-11-01 15:40:44 UTC  

> remember when obama said "My michael, i mean my michelle"
@JFCA Animus BIG MIKE! lol

2020-11-01 15:40:50 UTC  

Watch trump card, shit gets detailed.

2020-11-01 15:40:59 UTC  

b i g m i k e

2020-11-01 15:41:02 UTC  

Michael used to be in a biker gang

2020-11-01 15:41:12 UTC  

Just a few days until election

2020-11-01 15:41:17 UTC  

I don't get this michael meme

2020-11-01 15:41:29 UTC  

Obama is a British cigarette

2020-11-01 15:41:29 UTC  

i have a picture of michelle oboma photoshopped on to this harry buff black guy

2020-11-01 15:41:32 UTC  

sup Lucario

2020-11-01 15:41:44 UTC  

Hi Dante

2020-11-01 15:41:46 UTC  

lmao "obomba"

2020-11-01 15:41:48 UTC  

No need to photoshop that @JFCA Animus

2020-11-01 15:42:14 UTC  


2020-11-01 15:42:17 UTC  


2020-11-01 15:42:25 UTC  


2020-11-01 15:42:27 UTC  

good lord

2020-11-01 15:42:30 UTC  

He tried to tape it back but was too attracted to ellen to hold back

2020-11-01 15:42:54 UTC  

Ok enough with the pictures

2020-11-01 15:42:57 UTC  

Ok ok .

2020-11-01 15:43:17 UTC  

So Obama is gay?

2020-11-01 15:43:17 UTC  

well 18 seconds into Tylers video I lost....

2020-11-01 15:43:19 UTC  

so do you think it's true that Hunter slept with Obama's daughter?

2020-11-01 15:43:19 UTC  

I only had the two.

2020-11-01 15:43:21 UTC  


2020-11-01 15:43:21 UTC  

Post it in the #michaelobama channel

2020-11-01 15:43:40 UTC  

tbh if she was actually trans, dems would have been playing it up for all the virtue points they could get by now

2020-11-01 15:43:45 UTC  

I haven't seen Tyler's new video