Message from @PROPHET

Discord ID: 773199083535728661

2020-11-03 14:54:30 UTC  

83 million people died in ww2

2020-11-03 14:54:31 UTC  

The kkk really doesn't even exist these days compared to Decades ago

2020-11-03 14:54:43 UTC  

Of course 20 million is worst when talking about stalin but can we just admit that communists and nazis are bad

2020-11-03 14:54:43 UTC  

Did hitler give his dog a cynide pill first to make sure it worked?

2020-11-03 14:54:48 UTC  

Day 3 of nnn

2020-11-03 14:54:52 UTC  

There's more BLM Black Panthers and antifa members than there are KKK

2020-11-03 14:54:54 UTC  

I failed

2020-11-03 14:55:40 UTC  

The kkk is literally just fbi agents at this point

2020-11-03 14:55:54 UTC  

Those pointy hat retards got absolutely dunked on in the 60s

2020-11-03 14:55:59 UTC  

republican turnout officially passed dem turnout in FL

2020-11-03 14:56:02 UTC  

Honestly why do people argue over which political party owned slaves in the 19th century. Nobody from that time is alive now

2020-11-03 14:56:02 UTC  

what is up dudes

2020-11-03 14:56:04 UTC  


2020-11-03 14:56:13 UTC  

big man donald is going to take the W tonight hopefully

2020-11-03 14:56:25 UTC  

Remember Candace Owens says white supremacy is like the last thing on her list and I agree I don't see that anywhere

2020-11-03 14:56:25 UTC  

i believe antifa and blm are mostly agents

2020-11-03 14:56:48 UTC  

> Those pointy hat retards got absolutely dunked on in the 60s
@Mcgoober ngl they look like oversized party hats

2020-11-03 14:56:54 UTC  

they say only the top of the fbi are scum...but i think the whole damn lot of them are

2020-11-03 14:57:03 UTC  


2020-11-03 14:57:05 UTC  

more like

2020-11-03 14:57:06 UTC  


2020-11-03 14:57:08 UTC  


2020-11-03 14:57:18 UTC  

> i believe antifa and blm are mostly agents
@luminoussun no they are the “oppressed”

2020-11-03 14:57:19 UTC  

a BLM section in the Netherlands stole an african artifact out of a Museum and were praised in the media because they "retook it" from the colonizers in their words.

2020-11-03 14:57:24 UTC  

I honestly think it has a lot to do with Freemasons but not everybody will agree

2020-11-03 14:57:33 UTC  

> a BLM section in the Netherlands stole an african artifact out of a Museum and were praised in the media because they "retook it" from the colonizers in their words.
@Alolan SnorLax good for them

2020-11-03 14:57:34 UTC  

Like cmon man yall coulda at least had cooler outfits

2020-11-03 14:57:42 UTC  

im glad they took it back

2020-11-03 14:57:49 UTC  

i saw a freemasons license plate the other day, a special plate

2020-11-03 14:58:01 UTC  

Yeah they have ways of identifying each other

2020-11-03 14:58:02 UTC  

> im glad they took it back
@PROPHET that’s not great

2020-11-03 14:58:05 UTC  

my town has a freemason lodge

2020-11-03 14:58:06 UTC  

Lol, in <#763630921403465728> there is one that Mike Pence is really just 2 kids in a trench coat.

2020-11-03 14:58:09 UTC  

these museums stole hella shit from africa and when africa became more developed they refused to return them

2020-11-03 14:58:57 UTC  

> these museums stole hella shit from africa and when africa became more developed they refused to return them
@PROPHET thing is that the museum owners didn’t steal them and BLM didn’t own it

2020-11-03 14:59:01 UTC  

So apparently joe Biden is a homewrecker.

2020-11-03 14:59:09 UTC  

> @PROPHET thing is that the museum owners didn’t steal them and BLM didn’t own it
@KermitTheFrog the museum stole it tho

2020-11-03 14:59:14 UTC  


2020-11-03 14:59:36 UTC  

when will we have to return all the relics from egypt?

2020-11-03 14:59:38 UTC  

> @KermitTheFrog the museum stole it tho
@PROPHET but BLM doesn’t own it

2020-11-03 14:59:44 UTC  

This image needs to be on the front page of every news website and paper with his win